Thursday, February 26, 2009

i'm no fun

terkadang tu aku risau, kalau2 aku akan kehilangan rakan2.

dekat tapi jauh

aku agak kecewa sebenarnya.sbb tak dapat melepak bersama rakan2.sedikit sebanyak ada juga menyalahkan mama.tapi mungkin, aku maseh tak faham perasaan seorg aku juga rasa yg dia perlu memahami aku.suasana dh mula nak suram.aku malas nak melayan mama sbb aku terasa.mama ajak dinner tapi aku tolak.langsung mama pon tak makan malam.dan aku pula rasa serba salah.
selfish kah aku kalau aku juga mahu luangkan masa bersama rakan2?
salah kah aku utk sekali-sekala berseronok?
atau adakah aku terlalu insensitive pada mama?
maafkan aku rakan2.

rabu nan permai

mungkin aku menipu diri sendiri.

i miss you too

Thursday, February 19, 2009


i know i know..i havent been updating my blog for 2 weeks or too busy being in mesia.hahaha. :p anyways, for those who dont know, im back in mesia for my last month of summer break.and most of u ask why now? why not 2months ago? well, to be frank, the tix is much cheaper in the rest is history lah.its good to be back home.reminds me of the great things that i've been, frens, FOOD and of course my cats.but of course, there's the downside as having to lose the opportunity to become one of the models for the fashion show, having to witness arguments, having no money to spend on a new pair of glasses, having a hard time to sleep due to stray dogs that come every night to literally EAT my cats.oh well..there's an upcoming wedding at the end of the month.i hope to see some of u there!

i tak nak bagi kad kalo u tak nak dtg.

Monday, February 9, 2009


i want..


Friday, February 6, 2009

guess what

thursday.i went to work, so guess who i saw looking so hot and wearing swimming trunk? yay! good guess! hahaha.well, actually i didnt get to stare that long due to my natural shyness.i cud u stare.because he wasnt aware that i was at the what i did to make him notice was to act surprised.lame, yes.but it worked! i said, "opss, sorry" (turned if i came in barging) and he was like, "aww, thats allrait" (notice the spelling.he literally said it like that).org melayu ckp tu meleleh.he then, unfortunately, wore a bermuda to cover up.and i on the other hand, moved on with my cleaning.Smudge was well-behaved this time.mostly because Belle was at home from he was obidiently following Belle.


friday.i went thru the longest walk ever.i walked from Stop 121 until Stop 132.dont ask how far it was.ask why? well, because my tram ticket was valid up till 2pm, the tram stopped at Stop i had a choice to make.whether to risk it all and get fined or to not risk it all by walking and not get fined.clearly i made the choice to i took out my phone to use the stopwatch.oh, just to know how long it takes me to reach home.and boy, do i regret was scorching hot and i didnt bring any water and my bag was heavy and my legs were killing me.but i wasnt ready to give up because i had a, make that 2goals.that was to reach home as well as to find out just how long it wud be if i had to walk back home again.or vice versa.i reached home looking darker than ever.lets skip the face part.and guess how long it was? nice try..i walked for 40mins and 35seconds.this may not be far for some, but it was VERY FAR for me.under the evil sun heat lagi tau.haha.but im proud that i made it.thou i was sweating, panting and thirsty like hell, i survived.yay!

so there, two days two stories.

heatwave strikes back!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

if i'm not around

"if u masih lg ksiankn n ade syg sket kt i, u blk la."

and who are u again? someone's fiance.nais.