Monday, December 29, 2008

once u pop, u cant stop!

that was me while reading twilight.i was very much engaged to the story that i didnt want to stop.and i want to read it again for the 2nd time.i dont know much about the movie but i heard it sucks.hahaha.well, someone said that it sucked.others told me not to expect much from it.oh well, thats how it is when a movie is based from a novel.

aku kan syg semua part aku kena jaga

Saturday, December 27, 2008

im boxed!

yesterday, armed with panda eyes, boxing gloves and some monies, i went boxing.and yeah, u cud say that i spent few hundreds on stuff that i didnt plan to buy.but oddly enough, i dont regret spending the monies that i dont have.hahaha.ini gila namanya.besides spending monies, i spent 9hrs of my time walking and walking and walking till my feet cudnt take it anymore.i surrendered at about itu pon mcm still tak puas hati.haha.its okay.there's still sale up till the end of the

thanx for ur comment on the v thing,naylez.i promise i wont get paranoid.haha

capek deh

Friday, December 26, 2008

pulang yg sedih, dtg yg gembira

yesterday i had fun.sent my mum off at the airport and then spent my evening picnic-ing with frens at the botanical garden.actually, its more like a potluck thingy.each of us brought food, drinks plus cards and someone brought a ball, which, we later used for playing bola beracun.lame, i know but we enjoyed it very much! mcm kanak2.we were shouting, screaming, laughing and of course running like mad.ahh..sweet sweet memories.hey, how come kite tak penah buat?i mean kat mesia la.shah alam ke, cyber ke.i'd love to do it someday.

ayuh kawan2, kita piknik!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

komplikasi manusia

sometimes i dont understand

why the person that we love the most wud hurt us so bad?

kamu, i hope u'll find the answer..and do know that i love you too

Thursday, December 18, 2008


i thot i was protecting him.
but all this while, i was..

protecting myself.

so now, im heartbroken.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

kekecewaan melanda hati yg gundah gulana

aku disappointed kat ayah aku.sbb few days before ke melbourne, pasport dia ilang.aku tersangat lah kecewa.nak marah kang, rasa tak best ended up, mak aku sorg2 ke sini isnin nnt.aku dh berharapan sgt, nak bawak parents, especially ayah aku jalan2 kat la, dia tak penah lagi sampai melbourne.mak aku penah la.disappointed amat.aku pon dh tak reti cmne nak ckp how frustrated i am.kawan nak sedapkan hati, ckp ada hikmah la benda ni berlaku.lgpun dh bukan rezeki dia nak ke sini thn ni.aku sedih much aku tak gemar ayah aku pon, i still want him to be here.ok, aku emo.baiklah, aku stop dulu.esok nak keje dan aku dgn tiba2 dh takde semangat nak keje.takpe lah, utk duit, aku usaha.

rasa tak sedap hati.

Friday, December 12, 2008


this and two bowls of laksa johor.
terbaik weh.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

what i just found out today

someone doesnt like, shud i worry?im annoyed, of course.
but shud i give a damn?

bangang betol.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

one word


aku penat.i got blisters, my neck is hurting, fingers are numb + got selumbar some more, got few minor hand injuries.ouch.but i wont give mom, on the other hand, thinks this is good for me. instead of being kesian of my situation (about the luka2 and stuff), she said 'bagus la, ma suka.'isk.hahaha.cuma, aku rasa tak best sbb ayam tu tak halal.adoi, mcm2 sauces kot dia ada.chicken cordon bleu la (my favorite!!) chicken with cranberry sauce..arghh..tensi, takpelah.aku nak rehat jap.laters.

dia yg aku sayang.

Friday, December 5, 2008

and so it is

i've been busy these past few days with on-going meet ups and shopping trips.havent got the chance to stop and breathe.and yesterday, was my 1st day of work.yup, as of yesterday, i am officially a worker at Chicken John's.i told u in previous entry about this job and i finally got is a hard work i tell u.i have to clean counters, trays and stuff.i have to make chicken sticks, paint them with sauces, lift heavy containers, wipe the glass doors and the dirty works.i only have 10 minutes break from 6 hours of standing.honestly, i've never imagine myself working in a market.ape klas keje kat pasar kan.why not in a boutique or restaurant or library?well, beggars cant be choosers.the pay is good and i need the monies anyway.this is, definitely an experience that i wont get anywhere else.

and im not ashamed of it.

Monday, December 1, 2008


okie..! i've uploaded some pics in my picasa.go see! :p pictures represent thousands of words so no need for me to bore u with my adventures.hehehe.enjoice!

*basically, they're the same as the ones in facebook.

ckp la da nk mampus da ni duit abis

Saturday, November 29, 2008


i had fun fun fun! hehehe.alhamdulillah the trip was great and nothing bad happened while we were there.i'll be uploading pictures soon.and oh, i am now officially 20.hahahhaa! no lah, 24 lah.rasa mcm dah tua sgt dah.anyway, aku tak larat nak update pasal trip tu lagi.soon la.daa~

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


baiklah, rakan-rakan.ini merupakan entry terakhir aku.i'll be cruising the road early in the morning.doakan keselamatan kami ya.terima kaseh.i'll be back soon! with updates and pictures insyaAllah.

take care everyone!

road trip!

neves.aku neves.about the trip.i havent pack anything yet.tonite i'll be sleeping over at a fren's senang nnt esok pagi from her house, we'll pick up the car and go straight away to our destination.yay! the weather has been good these past 2 days and i hope it'll continue till saturday.amin amin.

am i eksaited? u bet!

Monday, November 24, 2008

girls just wanna have fun

12 Apostles

i am eksaited for the trip this thursday.the 5 of us will be going to the Great Ocean Road.tho the weather forecast doesnt look too good, but im crossing my fingers that it'll be just's a 3days 2nites trip so im hoping that we have enough time to explore.we're gonna be cruising the long road, get soak wet (if the weather allows us to!), lie on the beach, have girls nite out and just have fun.a holiday that i've been waiting for is finally here, alhamdulillah.

harapnye sume berjalan lancar.amin.

Friday, November 21, 2008

ehem ehem

"sweet talkers sume cm haram" (Fina Ramlee, 2008)

u like?



i saved someone from losing his wallet.
i saved a ladybird from being squashed.


no one saved me from humiliation.
aku period and the rest is history.



he called.two times.
who does that?
calling Down Under plak tu.

aku taleh tido dan..
aku LAPAR.



ah, im stressing.over something so birthday, again.stress!
im predicting no cake (cuz i'll probly be on the road that day),
no pressies (eh wait, i think i'll get one from my osmets.i think
no lepak2 minum coke & bowl kat Strike (it's not like i know them for a year already),
no jelly & ice cream of course (duh).hahaha.

bday thn ni mungkin tak seronok.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

guess u wont marry the sweet talker

yesterday i was chatting with a long-time fren from high skool.well, he's my senior we were talking about something regarding to being fat.i said i've gain few kilos (benci) and that i want to lose some of those excessive fat.then he asked me, 'why takut jadi gemok?'.erm, i dont exactly want to answer that and i dont want to be saying something cliche i just said its involving self-esteem.for those who might not know this, i've always have issues about myself.i feel inadequate when im with thing for sure, i dont have the face is not not that tall.i dont have great dark.etc etc.when i compare myself with frens, i feel down.its even stressful when some frens over here are thinner than me and yet they say they're fat.they have flat tummies kot! and i dont.they're flawless, skin wise.thick hair.sweet.slim.and of course, they're younger.i didnt actually say this to my senior.not wanting to feel that bad about i just told him the basic things and he, being a sweet fren, said something that shud make me feel flattered and yet, i took it as something that he shud say to make me feel better.he said exactly this,

F: if im not with someone at d moment
F: i might consider u to b my wife.
F: pending meetups n get-to-know-u-all-over-again-after-years-apart sessions

now i know i shudnt be believing all this, because, what a sweet talker he is (i lied & told him he's not a sweet talker thou he admits so).haha.but i somehow felt good.felt my cheeks flushed for a moment.but then immediately snapped back to reality.c'mon.he's just saying it to make me feel good.thou he did say that im attractive (just so u know, i dont believe that either).i cant handle compliments.they get to, that is how un-confident i am (i know, the word un-confident is non-existance.watever).ok, scratch that.i shud just use, ungrateful or low self-esteem.yeah..that's how i am.i wince when i look in the mirror.wud always wonder why im not like them.them who are better looking etc.aihhh.ok lah.better stop here before i go on and on about being ugly.

how many sweet compliments must it take to make u happy wit urself?


it was on Tuesday that i got a surprise of my life.the gmail popped out and i cant believe my eyes when i read, "Congratulations! You've won!". i was like "won what?".so i read the mail and i was one of the 10 winners that won the Nine West competition! yay!! i seriously cudnt believe it.basically because i gave a very lame answer to the question 'what is the best fashion advice you've ever received'. i remember i said something about 'simple'.that's it.hoho.anyways, thou im disappointed that i wont be getting any Nine West shoes or handbags but a skincare range is quite ok.i've never heard of the brand Dr.LeWinn's but it costs about 139$.so, that shud be ok.better than nothing kan.i cant wait for it to arrive.hopefully someone is at home when the delivery comes.amiinn.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

city lah sangat

aku mmg tak lekat umah la these few days.have been going to the city everyday since wednesday up till today (sunday). and tomorrow (monday) will be going to the city AGAIN.but i had a great weekend thou.yesterday slept at a fren's house and today we went to the sunday market.met everyone else and ate lunch together.then we went to brighton beach.damn cold i tell ya.i was wearing that dress i bought online.lagi la sejuk kan pakai dress.hahaha.OZ lah org kata. *muntah* haha.tomorrow pegi city lagi because a fren will be going back to mesia on dia nak go around the city loop and take pictures.layan kan ajeee..tak tau la bile lagi nak jumpa dia kan. *sigh* tak nyempat nak berehat kat umah pon.anywho, im done with shopping for this month. *cough* yeah rite *cough* hahahaha.aku dah berbudget2 dah what to buy soon.opsss! i did it again.

dia kata dah lama x sembang ngn ko n nyakat ko.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


finally! i got my very first Keds.yay! they're on sale and i got 'em for 20$ instead of 70$.yay again! i've been wanting to own Keds since that i've found there are soo many shops that sell them, i dont have to worry happy althou i guilty-ly used the money on sale.therefore, i cudnt resist.and im thinking of buying another one.ngeee~ ape Nats? jgn membazir? hehehehe.takde lah.i'll see how.i need to save some for the trip as well.but im thinking of getting another dress, the one i tried the other day.hihi.i got a discount coupon, so murah la sket.mati la.ahad ni nak ke sunday market plak.lala.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


uh-oh..aku diamanahkan utk mengusha barang2 kat sini utk kawan2.dan aku terlupa.terlupa kebanyakan brg2 yg di pesan.yg aku ingt beberapa je.jadi kepada kawan2 yg memesan, tolong isikan ruangan komen dgn list brg2 anda.sekian terima kaseh.

gerak gempur!


hari ni panas.panaaassssss!but that didnt stop me from going out to the city.went to the uni first to return the books Asih borrowed.than took out some money, which, were supposed to be for groceries.but but but....i spent some for a belt and a dress.hoho.aku semakin kronik.asik nak beli dress je.but i never wear them! point of buying kan.well, i'll find the courage soon.haha.i need more monies so that i could splurge.esok nak kuar lagi la gamaknye.sigh.taleh jadi ni.tulun!

matahari jahat!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

baiklah, dgn ini..

saya akan memberi kan kata putus mengenai trip ke Tasmania.dgn ini, saya mengumumkan bahawasanya, saya tidak pergi ke trip tersebut.jgn mengeluh ye anak2.keputusan ini dibuat dgn rasa rendah diri.tambahan pula, saya perlu pergi ke doktor gigi utk membaikpulih gigi saya ini.sekian.terima kaseh.hahaha.aku tak dapat nak pegi la.priority jatuh kepada gigi ku yg disayangi.lagipun, diorg senyap je.tak tanya, cancel je lah kan.hahahaha.but tengs kepada yg memberi pendapat mereka.aku appreciate sgt2.insyaAllah bila ada peluang lagi utk pegi, i'll go.bukan setakat ke Tazzie, malahan ke Sydney, Adelaide etc..woot! haha.
aku mcm nak pegi konsert Kanye lah.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


i have a dilemma.a fren called and asked me to join them for a trip to tempted.i asked how'll be about 400$ including flight, hotel etc.that's considered cheap.but when i asked when, she said from 27-30th november.whot! my birthday is gonna be between those dates!i want to celebrate it here, at home.or at least with my brother around and my housemates.but she insisted that i go along and we can celebrate together.with the others as well.i want to stay home but then again, this is the chance for me to go out of Victoria.bile lagi nak pegi birthday wouldnt be great, but i want my brother to be with me.and the trip would be just great as well.sigh.frens, pls put some senses in me.pretty pls?

bye = any sense of humor?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Couch Potato

definition: A couch potato is a person who spends most of his or her free time sitting or lying on a couch

that explains me well.i am the ultimate couch potato.i dont sleep in my bedroom anymore.i spend my days on this comfortable couch.i even sleep on this couch.i am the living room girl.haha.oh crap.i remembered something.when i was in cyber, i slept in the living room as well.this means that....i am a true living room girl! tak senonoh weh.hahahhaha.but i dont comfortable and my housemates dont least, when i sleep in the living room, i'll wake up early.yes, i do.and that's healthy rite?..yes? know how long am i gonna sleep on the couch.i'll take a picture of it one day and show it to's old but i looove it.

oh, i'm happy that another fren of mine finally has a blog.haha.go usher!

b, aku tgh dlm kesakitan.tak pegi klinik lagi. :(

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


apart from celebrating obama's victory, i am:
  • in pain + toothache = appetite-less (sakit gile weh)
  • sleepy.didnt sleep the whole day yesterday kan.
  • cranky.for no reason.
  • tired.i tertido dlm tram masa pegi AND balik.tersengguk2 tido.malu ai.haha.
  • that the semester's over, i dont know what to do.but im anticipating our picnic.
  • hopeless.thank god there's Asih.she's the one who crushed the panadol for me.not that i cant do it myself.i just need people to care, i guess.gile pathetic.sigh.
regardless, i cant wait to wear the dress i bought the other day.i want to feel cute, no no.i want to feel and look adorable (Naylez, 2008).crikey! btw, i hope u get the one u wanted, Naylez.hawt la org kate.hahahahaha.

pokok bole je otomatik goyang. (Mila, 2008)


i laf youuuuu..


Gue ditag oleh Miss goes

Starting time : 10:08am
Name : Fofana
Sisters : 0
Brothers : 1
Shoe size : 7
Height : 162cm
Where do you live : Coburg

Have you ever been on a plane : Yeah
Swam in the ocean : Hell No
Fallen asleep at school : Yeah
Broken someone’s heart : Yeah
Fell off your chair : Cant remember
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Yeah
Saved e-mails : Yeah
What is your room like : Messy with a capital M

What’s right beside you: Student ID card
What is the last thing you ate : Kuih Almond London

Ever had…
Chicken pox : Yeah
Sore throat : Yeah
Stitches : No
Broken nose :No

Do you...
Believe in love at first sight : Probably

Who was/were…
The last person you danced with : Class of 2007
Last made you smile : Mr. Sheffield
You last yelled at : Last week

Today did you…
Talk to someone you like : Nope
Kissed anyone : Hmm
Get sick : No
Talk to an ex : Not yet
Miss someone : Yeah
Who do you really hate: Gila Gossip Girl siot
Do you like your hand-writing : At times
Are your toe nails painted : No

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : A secret i'll never tell
What color shirt are you wearing now : White
Are you a friendly person : I wish!
Do you have any pets : Cats
Do you sleep with the TV on: Yeah.why not.
What are you doing right now : Duh
Can you handle the truth : Denial is my middle name

Are you closer to your mother or father : Mama!

Do you eat healthy : Of course not.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : Never
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : Hoho
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : A little of both
Are you confident : Depends

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Schooling
2. Moved to another school
3. Stupid things
4. Building friendships
5. Dancing

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Pay parents' debt
2. Pay mine and Shah's school fees
3. Pay my loan
4. Live in the city
5. Go back & forth to Mesia/Melbourne/New York/Colorado every weekend

5 of my bad habits
1. Shake shake shake...shake shake it!
2. Procrastinating
3. Malas masak when it's my turn
4. Hunching (habit ke tu?)
5. Nail biting

5 places I’ve lived/living
1. Johor Bahru
2. Shah Alam
3. Cyberjaya
4. Temerloh
5. Melbourne

5 people I tag
B Awe

Are blogs vague? So is Today

Juling..yaaa....aku sudah juling.masakan tak, dok ngadap laptop seharian.dan finally, alhamdulillah assignments aku sume dah selesai.quality? jgn tanye.hahahah.YAY!! aku bisa tidur, bisa pegi beach, bisa picnic dan bisa berkonfrontasi.

SUMMER!!sini aku dtg!

Monday, November 3, 2008


cita-cita utk sambung buat assignment terbantut seketika.i ter-slept through 32 songs.haha.if i wasnt awaken by Asih, i'll be sleeping till morning.i still have like 6 blog entries and a literature review to go.all due on, for a pemalas veteren like me, i'm beginning to freak out. tick tock tick tock. nak la ada effect2 sweating tp due to the cold weather, angan2 menjadi debu.crikey! haa..tgk2.aku dah mula merepek.aku maseh mengantok tp perlu kuat semangat nih.ayuh fina....fighting! farid was confident that i'll be pretty much awake after we played that hilarious game of his. tipoooo! aku dgn jayanya tido after he went home. haha. oh crap. i need to stop. have to finish my critical blog. then the lite review. bye!

pain is just a state of mind.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


hari ni aku happy.kenape?kerana:
  • tak buat assignment
  • lunch date kat Brunswick
  • beli dress
  • pegi Hawksburn
  • tak buat assignment
  • pegi Port Melbourne
  • tak buat assignment
  • lepak Esteller then Fed Square
  • sampai umah chatting
  • tak buat assignment
happy kan? yay!

Friday, October 31, 2008

a little something

if i ignore you, would you still be my bestfriend?
if i stop calling you, would you still be my bestfriend?
if i piss you off, would you still be my bestfriend?

and if i say i love you, would I still be Your bestfriend?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

candy coated candles

Happy Birthday

aiyo..aku dh dikatakan sbg pemalas.hahaha.kau telah memberi aku kesedaran, Naylez.thx.haha =p baiklah, lepas ni aku akan berusaha utk tulis panjang2 sket.

i need a hug.


im bored.
the phone doesn't ring.
the shoes don't fit.stupid Keds.
the assignments suck.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008


patut ke tak patut?
perlu ke?


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


badots in the house, ya'll.

Monday, October 27, 2008

wedding galore

aku sebenanye sedih..sbb tak dapat balik and pegi wedding kawan2.i've been here for like 3mths and i've missed 5 weddings already.there are more to come thats for sure.and i'll eventually miss them as well.sigh.Naylez...jom kite balik.huhu.

he's coming down

Love Lockdown

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fun Friday

ok..not the best looking food ever but it tasted good.hehe.guys..lemme introduce my first cooking ever rite here in melbourne.this is....ayam goreng kunyit! hahahahaha.doesnt look like ayam goreng kunyit (i know i know).i didnt chop the chicken.tak senonoh.but but there's a story behind it.ceritanya fren asked me out lepak2 kat city.then suddenly i remembered that yesterday was my turn to cook.i had only like an hour to, mmg tak sempat la kan nak potong2 ayam tu.apalaga..aku goreng gitu je la.and since kacang panjang takde, aku gune sayur tu.tak tau ape name dia.lupe.haha.kubis bunga kot.jadiii...itu lah productnye.biase je rasa,takde la sedap bujang masak.baiklah, skang ni nak kena fikir resipi lain plak utk next week.any suggestions?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

off kuih tart yg bogel

terima kaseh mila..! walaupun maseh sedap.

aku seronok bila parcel dh tiba.mana tak nye, dapat kuih raya dan juga baju2 yg aku beli hari tu.terharu dapat kuih tart.hehe.feveret ok.dan utk seketika, depresi aku hilang.aku mampu tersenyum eventho hanya utk sementara..terima kaseh lagi skali mifilafa!

dan Amie menjadi teman setia aku.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mr. Onitzuka


aku tak faham.what is so great about Onitzuka Tiger yg org dok sebok2 kan?aku tgk kebanyakkan nyer takde la cantik sgt pon.and these two are the most decent ones i can find.yg len, ape yg menariknye?ada sape2 nak pesan?skang tgh sale.

hmm..mungkin aku akan memiliki sepasang Onitzuka.just for the fun of it.

Friday, October 17, 2008


sorry mar.i curi gamba u.

last week Tun Mahathir dtg ke Melbourne utk bagi talk.dan..haruslah aku tak jap lagi tgk gamba bebudak ni, jeles plak.haha.his family came along.the wife, marina and anak angkat dia tu.hmm..cuba tgk kat gamba Tun tu.tgk poket dia.nampak tak sekor cicak?dia lah Salim, cicak paling bertuah sbb dapat dok dalam poket Tun.hahaha.jeles aku dgn Salim.takpe lah.hari tu hari Salim.esok lusa hari aku plak bergambo dgn Tun.

time to flyyy

haih..minggu ni turn aku beli beras.naseb tadi teringt.kalo idak, tak pasal2 kena marah.beras aku tgk pon dh nak abes.haha.aku berulang ke city 2kali hari ni.lupa nyer pasal.padan muka.anywho, i finally got an idea of what to write about.thnx very much Nathlish.ur my saviour! *smooch*

we're okay now.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

who might know of this

aku dalam kesusahan.
i hope tiada perkara buruk akan berlaku.
tlg doakan aku dan abg aku.

dia dah tahu.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

janji tinggal janji

hari ni usaha aku utk buat sesuatu yg produktif tak berjaya.mengeluh.janji pada diri sendiri pun tak dapat nak tunaikan.mengecewakan.oh ye, hari ni (rabu) aku ada sort of like a meet up with insyaAllah my future boss utk kerja.kat kedai ayam.hmm, restaurant ayam kah?kedai jual ayam kah?aku pun tak tau.haha.tak kesah la.doakan aku ye.i really need a job, cant afford to be choosy.

seorang rakan harus gembira apabila kawannya gembira.

Monday, October 13, 2008


it's incomplete, yes?

terima kaseh kepada yg menyumbang.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

damien fever

thnx to Akhmar and Fiqi, today i had reasons to go out from the house.althou the sun was smiling i still feel gloomy.i cudnt shake yesterday's was painful but what more can i do other than moving hari ni, i put on my new shirt, legging and a wide cheerful fake smile.i went to Akhmar's house in Fawkner and then we decided to go jalan2 at Chapel St.met up with Ika and Nadia for a while and had lunch at Umah Sejuk.haha.lepas tu plak, i took the train to go to Laverton alone.queitly sat besides an arab-ish guy..who had the guts to say 'Hi'.aih..not another one...aku kan tak suka strangers talking to me.kesian dia.dia tanye mcm2, aku jawab sepatah2...aku rasa jodoh aku dgn org rmit jgk lah.that taxi driver hari tu blaja kat rmit jgk.same goes with this one.and both are from spain kot, this one from saudi arabia.haa..baguslah.lepas ni mexican, italian, french..? ape2 pun, ternyata my bright pink shirt tak mampu buat aku ceria hari ni.and the fact that Kak Yan understands, made it even more difficult to swallow.i dont know how long i can keep up with this but aku akan usaha.because i know it'll go away soon, insyaAllah.oh ya, thanx Nathlish for the damiens.

Did I say that I want to Leave it all behind?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

question heart

tiba-tiba hari ni fact, im too losing something that i've never even can that be plak lose something that u've never had.weird.but yeah..and dgn secara tak sengaja juga, aku tiba2 rasa lost.

org tak tau pun lantak la.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

sea of bubbles

aku teringin betol nk jumpa seseorg.

aku rindu.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


kenapa wujudnya pigs kat dunia ni?

a. utk nyusahkan idup aku
b. utk menyenangkan idup omputeh
c. sbb kalo guna kulit dia, brg2 suma jadi cantik
d. sume yg diatas

d. sume yg diatas

ceritanya hari ni..aku pegang pig skin.bodoh nyer Sportsgirl!sume benda nak guna pig.gile ape.sandal yg aku suka tu la ada pig skin.bags pon same.bodooo..cantek sgt ke kulit binatang2 tu.nyusahkan idup gue.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

tulap tulip

aku ponteng klas kerana perkara di atas.haha.adoii..pegi ke tulip festival kat Lilydale.hasil nya ada kat picasa.

Monday, October 6, 2008


dedikasi buat kamu

tag hari raya

ohh..baru je tau aku kena tag dgn heri boberi.maka aku buatlah walopon mungkin agak terlewat dikit.

Sejak bila saya berpuasa penuh?
thn 2006 rasanya..thn tu aku puasa penuh.thn 2007 tak tp thn 2008 ni penuh plak.hahaha.

Pernah ponteng puasa dan apakah alasannya?
duh..mesti la penah.sbb menstruasi.

Pernah bermain bunga api dan mercun
yup yup.selalu je masa kecik2.dh besor2 ni takde la plak.setakat nengok/dgr org len main.

Juadah apakebenda yang hang suka masa berbuka?
masa berbuka? erm..ape2 yg osmets gue masak.lala

Lagu raya mana yang paling suka?
m. nasir - satu hari di hari sebenanye suke je lagu2 raya ni.

Nak beraya kat mana tahun ini?
dah dan sedang raya kat melben thn ni.thn depan nak raya kat new york plak la.auww! haha

Pernah anda bertugas pada hari raya?
erm..pernah je.bertugas sbg pelajar di hari raya.

Kenangan paling manis pada hari raya?
masa raya kat kampung time tok mak, tok bah dgn tok iti ada

sekian.time kaseh.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

sun shiny day

hari ni (ahad) thot of staying home nak buat assignment la kunun.jap lagi osmet ajak ke open house kak ad.kena la pegi sbb dena bilang "kak ad kan dtg umah kite hari tu.kite pegi la umah dia plak".fine fine.maka pegi la we went to Park Royal utk sedap2.then after that, me and dena blah dulu because dena cant wait to go for me, i cant wait to go shopping.hahaha.yes, ever since i got here, i never got the chance to do so due to money this time, rasa cm nak ada baju raya.not thinking about monies i have left, i splurged on sale items.hahhaa.well, im partly fulfilled.i got myself 2 leggings (which i looove), a striking boyfren shirt and a beyotifoool silk shirt.all of them cost me 40$.yay! im loving it.oh, esok ke Lilydale.yay!

cotton on.

raya raya

on saturday, we went beraya-raya.we put our best clothes on (except me.pakai long shirt) and our best shoes (except me again) and off we go beraya.the first house we went to was ustaz razak's house in Preston.yg merupakan husband kepada kak jie.huu..ramai gile kot.then off we go to Thornburry plak.encik fuad's house.then ke Fawkner.umah akhmar, johny, if, ema and rudy.they made the best kuah kacang ever.waa~ nak lagi.lepas tu ada lagi satu umah sebenanye nak kena disebabkan dah malam and jauh gila.aku tak jadi pegi.sorg2 mmg tak la kan.rasa bersalah kat budak Bondura.takpe lah, next time insyaAllah.ok lah, nak pegi lepak depan jap.

everyone is a living pinocchio.


alhamdulillah..our makan-makan on friday was successful.and my cake was a success as well! first time baking the cake alone.yay! eventho the coating wasnt as smooth as my mom's but it was still glad all of them came.seronok.mcm rasa kat kampung.because my house mcm umah kampung.haha.

thn ni tak dapat duit raya.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Not So Raya

My first day of raya can be described as = Boring

here's what happened

kak zura woke me up and succeeded in making me join their early trip to mesia hall.aku ingt nak pegi lambat akhirnya beralah dgn kak zura.ini juga merupakan kali pertama aku solat, aku jahil sket bab solat, kak zura ajar cmne.senang je rupanya.

naik tram then turun depan melb uni where we coincidently met other malays students.then all of us took the next tram to mesia hall.half way tu the tram driver made an announcement over the microphone."to all malaysian passengers, i would like to wish u all selamat hari raya".we replied thank you in unison.haha.seronok.but i have no idea who the driver was.tak tau la omputeh ke omcokelat ke.but who cares.we were excited.

salam abang and muttered selamat hari raya without looking at his face (yes, i have issues with him) solat raya ramai2.peluk cium frens.makan ramai2.

abes makan.lepak2 kat blakang.there were so many of us.and yummy boys of course.haha.posing2 amik gamba then i was bored.lepak dalam hall plak.borak2 dgn frens.

since i was bored i decided to made a move and i went to class.yup2.thou mase mula2 mmg nak ponteng but the boring-ness really got to pegi la klas with my baju kurung.2 singaporean classmates thailand asked about the baju kurung.

class ended.went straight back home.mengantok tahap gaban.balik umah, there was no one home accept me and aku just lepak dalam bilik.then webcam sambil borak dgn my parents and relatives in melaka.takde skype, so guna ym yg lembab tu ha.oh ya, called nathlish yg berada di colorado tu.dah..aku call skali je.lepas ni takde dah.haha

ate dinner with asih.and now, im rite here updating this blog while listening to nkotb feat. ne-yo's 'single' (tengs im hooked). single ladies, you can't go wrong.rite babe?

there goes my first raya.cant wait for our open house on friday.jemput dtg.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Spell on me

erm..tiba-tiba rasa nak balik tu muncul semula.

forgive me.

Friday, September 26, 2008


i've uploaded few pics during my jalan2 spending duit at the Royal Melbourne Show.if u feel like it, click on my Picasa.

selamat hari raya semua.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fenomenal Tag

yaaa...hamba telah di tag oleh Author Karipap Daging.setelah sekian lamanya tak buat tag, otak agak berkarat..maka perlukan sedikit masa utk berfikir.hehe.jadi, ini lah hasil nya..

1) Apa anda buat 5 tahun dahulu?
  • 5thn dulu saya merupakan pelajar uitm berumur 20thn yg agak naive dan berpakaian agak kuno (bila tgk balik gamba rasa mcm nak bunuh diri.haha) thn tu juga merupakan thn yg agak mencabar sbb aku harus dpt 3pointer utk maju ke tahap degree.
2) 2 perkara/habit yang tidak diketahui/ganjil tentang diri anda.
  • penah tertidur di atas motor ketika di federal highway.sejak tu, tak rasa nak naik moto lagi.
  • dahulu suka memanjat pokok.oh..rindu lah nak panjat pokok.
3) 3 tabiat buruk anda masa sekolah.
  • ni bukan tabiat buruk la tp masa sekolah rendah, waktu bulan puasa, tiap2 hari akan balik rumah masa rehat dan makan roti dgn minum susu.tiap2 hari.sampai kantoi dgn cikgu sekolah waktu menyelinap kuar ikut pagar tepi kelas.haha.tapi mesti la ada sebab.dulu saya berpenyakit jadi tak boleh tak makan.
  • semasa kena hantar lukisan kat cikgu, saya bagi lukisan saya yg cantik kepada kawan sbb kawan tu tak pandai melukis (well, aku pun tak pandai.aunty aku yg lukis kan lukisan aku waktu tu) jadi aku pula yg terpaksa lukis sendiri lukisan utk diriku.maka, jadi la satu produk yg aku tetap dapat A (yg ini kantoi juga, dgn aunty aku..adoi)
  • tak suka pegi tandas sekolah, jadi akan tahan sampai balik umah.agak tak senonoh.tapi seperti yg Author Karipap Daging bilang, tak tahan dgn "kebersihan dan kewangian" (Xumb, 2008)
yeah..selesai!terima kaseh!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


just finished watching it setelah berkurun lamanya N bagi.hehe.tengs N! saya sgt suka ini filem.


went to Royal Melbourne Show.seronok gile.haha.and i bought a Your Style showbag worth 157$ for only 15$.coolness.i'll upload the pics in picasa soon.


Nana 2

watched this on youtube.a little bit disappointed on the girl who replaced Aoi Miyazaki.she's not as good as Aoi.i dont like the guys who replaced Ren and Shin either.adoii..they should have just stick with the original actors and actress.nevertheless, its a good story to indulge to when ur bored to death do u part.haha



watched this again for the 2nd time.loved it the same.

Glamorous Sky.

Friday, September 19, 2008


oh noi..! i am a mushroom.!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

killing me softly

how i wish that puasa wont end.simply because i dont want raya to come.i thot it wudnt affect me that much but it does.bodo la..just now i've downloaded few raya songs, especially takbir raya tu.and my tears welled up abit.

yaAllah..perasaan nak balik ni meronta2.


he's having problems finding a house.and that worries me so much.i tried to help but its getting hard.we're already in the middle of the semester.less and less people are looking for worried.mcmane nak tlg ni?dem.

Monday, September 15, 2008

good gracious

it was sunny and yet it was horrifyingly cold.sket je lagi nak beku hari felt like winter.anyway, we had a guest lecture today and he is a Japanese,salah salah..he is a Cute Japanese guy.hahaha.jgn jeles Shafa!lalala.the name is Katsuhiko Suganuma.he looks young but currently he's doing Phd.wOw.a cute Japanese Phd guy.hehe.i wonder if i cud get his number from Catherine.hahahaha.tak kot!moving on, when the class ended i made my way to melbourne central and to my luck my tram had also arrived in i jumped on it and thank god hari ni tak ramai.if not i'd always have to since there were not so many people, the tram went so fast that i specifically lost track of the yeah..i missed mine.haha.then, due to my extreme laziness, i decided to just sit quietly until its last stop.when the tram driver was making his way to the other end, i smiled shepishly at him and told him that i missed my Stop 132.i told a little white lie, i said that i was reading.haha.hey, i was reading but i stopped at Stop 129. =p he is a very kind and frenly elderly man.i stood besides him and had the chance to look at the driver's pit or watever they call it.byk gile buttons and all he has to do is push one button and the tram moves.tayah nak control2 gear ke clutch ke.he said, 'it's as easy as that' cute la that old man.i thanked him and skipped my way back

kalo menanges yg tak over sgt batal puasa tak?

ku rindu

aku rasa mcm nak balik sgt.

masih belum sempurna

Sunday, September 14, 2008


i just got back from DFO Essenden.ikut mereka shopping for Corelle.i was too occupied with other things like clothes and stuff that i didnt stay long to watch them choosing plates or bowls.and yes, Nats, i restrained myself from buying things.thank you!i just got myself a 1dolar hosier.which matches my dress.hehe.anyways, with all the Corelle that they bought we definitely had to call a taxi and so we, being the lazy one to help, stood at the exit holding the heavy door.then the taxi driver came to have a little chat with me (he's from spain btw).he asked 'ur from malaysia also?'.yeah..then dgn tiba2 'i love malaysian food.'..yeah rite (dalam hati aku).then he said something that should flatter me but instead it gave me the creeps.he said 'ur very beautiful..'. okaaayyyy...this is getting scary.'maybe when i see u i'll say hello'..okayy..double scary.then, he without any doubt asked for my number so he cud call me up to say hi.i was like 'im sorry?my phone number?noo..its okay.'he replied with a im-a-good-person althou i look like a bear.bla bla bla.i was scared ok.the others plak kat dalam mengangkut brg2(padan muka.sape soh tak nak tolong.haha).so all i could do was laugh.then he said something that stopped my heart from beating. "i can see that ur not in love". whot?!

am i that transparent?
that even a cab driver knows that i am not in love?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

wish list

aku ada menyimpan satu impian.impian utk call kenkawan2 di mesia.aku seronok dgr suara's been 2months and i tried to call as many frens as i can.just to say hi and stuff.but due to my short-term memory and short-term credit, aku tak berkesempatan nak call sume org at a time.last week i called two and just today i called another two.utk yg aku tak call lagi tu, i hope u dont mind ya.i'll get to you soon.u do know how much i miss u guys rite.yg kat US tu kan, aku rasa cm nak tgk la cmne.(hi nathlish!)haha.oh, alamak..cousins pun aku tak abes call lagi.hahaa.nak kena topup lebih ni.

korg tak nak call aku plak ke?haha.kidding.


do u see the small white dot? thats the moon.
i saw it at around 5-ish looks much bigger in real life.hehe.

** b, terima kaseh utk lagu itu.wev u!

curiosity kills the cat

hari ni, aku tak seceria semalam.
just because of a secret.

takde maksud aku xbgtau.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Syukur Alhamdulillah

remember me telling u that my presentation sucked? well, here's the email i just read after a few days in agony:

Dear Fina,

You scored a HD (81) for your presentation.

Your presentation on ethnic identity and the nation-state, focusing on the Peranakans, was very thoroughly researched and proficiently communicated. You provided an interesting history of Peranakan history and illustrated the importance of Peranakan culture in Singapore tourism. The kebaya was a very nice touch as well.

Keep up the good work!

Best wishes,

ohh...thank youu.i loooovee u catherine!!

this thing

dang..! it has been 3 days in a starting to get wont stop and it bugs me big time.

hello, Foucault..where are you?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

kan dah kena...

a conversation i had with amy during our 15minutes break.she's from mainland China.

amy: fina, that day i saw some women wearing something that cover their head.are they muslims?
me: yeah..they are.
amy: then why dont u wear anything to cover ur head?
me: hahahahhhahaha.well, i shud be wearing it.but i dont.
amy: why?is it a must to wear it? or u can choose not wear it?
me: we have to wear it but i dont.hehehe.
amy: if u dont wear it what will happen?
me: i get sins.

malu ke tak??hahaha.malu doi.tak pandai nak explain.hari tu dah explain part puasa.naseb dia faham yg tu.lala.amy sgt bagus.sgt suka bertanya pasal culture and religion.bagus.aku suka.

let the speakers blow ur mind.


haloo..i've woken from my deep slumber.14hours weh.hahaha.bahana tak tido semalaman.malas plak nak ke kelas.kalo pegi, berbuka dlam klas lagi la nampaknye.bosan.

idle is the core of evil

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

crappily sleepy

aku mengantuk lah.selepas submit my crap essay aku semacam mengantuk.benar..kerana aku tertido dalam kelas.aku yg paling obvious kerana kepala tersengguk2.haha.padan muka.and now i wanna go into a deep slumber.byee..

kau membencikan.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


kenape hari ni aku rase mcm diingini oleh lelaki2?betol, aku tak tipoo.pagi tadi seorg teman chatting berkata, "so geli2 ngan aku jom!".euw.dan semestinya jawapan aku tidak.situasi kedua, sebelum aku ke kelas.seorg teman chatting juga bertanya, "ko nak kt aku tak?".oh..a tempting offer dan semestinya aku tak terjawab.sbb aku mahu tapi keadaan tak mengizinkan.dan ketika aku sedang menunggu kenderaan awam ku, tiba2 dua pemandu yg berbeza hollered at me.terasa seperti diingini kan?tiba2 aku imagine yg aku ni hot, seriously.tak salah kan utk aku once in a while humoring myself.eventho aku tau sume yg kat atas ni merepek.tapi its good sbb instinct aku mengatakan yg aku akan menangis malam ni.jadi, sebelum air mata ni turun, its better for me to have a good laugh.its me.

i want no strings attached...

Monday, September 8, 2008







i can never do things right these days.

bodo betol.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sub Two

baby aina.i made her laugh when he shot this.

hmm..walaupun tak rase cm nak update but i did it i tried to finish my presentation but as usual, tak siap2 lagi.gonna get it done tonite.tak tido pun takpe.coz tomorrow gonna start on the essay we went to hall for the bazaar ramadhan.there were only 6 stalls but ramai jgk yg dtg.aku tak sempat nak beli roti jala.sedih sedih.then berbuka ramai2 kat hall, terawih sume tu.about 10pm gitu baru balik.penat but i'd have to finish the power point slides.aihhh..cmni la jadi student kan.amek ko.nak sgt blaja.haha

keceriaan di dalam kekalutan.tengs mr. sheffield

Thursday, September 4, 2008

When crab meets garbage

..crap! aku berangan.bengong jak.
ade byk assignment nak kena buat lagi.

presentation hari senin.
essay hari rabu.
never-ending critical blogs.

i see...Hope.bluergh

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Puasa ke-3

adehh..sakit pinggang.hari ni aku dgn rela hati meng-offer tenaga menolong kak jie masak.yes, masak.well, i didnt exactly masak, i just helped her with other things like chopping veggies, onions and i washed all the dishes.periuk kuali tu sume lah.penat ok.but alhamdulillah dibayar.ade la sket duit.kalo dapat tolong every once in a while ok gak kan.hehe.

halamak, assignment tak buat lagi.dem.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Salam Perantauan

nantikan kemunculan kami di sotkabo Utusan.hahaha.

i've uploaded more in picasa.check 'em out.basically setting sume same je.haha.not many yg turned up for the shooting.kami ni je la yg ade.kalo tak lagi ramai.but we had fun.semangat nak masok sotkabo la brother is at the back wearing the very light blue baju melayu.

Monday, September 1, 2008


wawaaa..hari pertama puasa, not bad.even tho i was tired from moving out.i had to make 2 trips to my house and another one to yan's one else helped.only me and dalina the two superwomen.hahaha.lagipun berbuka awal dari it wasnt that bad at all.hahaha.B dah maki2 aku.seronok main2 kan perasaan permanent house is colder practically freezing.anyway, selamat berpuasa to all.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Malaysia Fest


Happy Birthday Malaysia..!! ohh..i cant wait to get out of the house and strut to Fed Square! selamat menyambut ya rakan2.tolong have fun utk aku.kat sini tak ada fireworks.. =( anyway, have a good one Malaysia!

Friday, August 29, 2008


im sorry cik paa..but i cudnt be ur fren.and its obvious that we cant even have a nice talk.everytime we have a conversation, it'll turn rasa adalah baik kalau kita tak berkawan langsung.sbb kau takkan dapat tahan dgn aku dan aku begitu juga.

kau adalah my deleted friend.


its such a beautiful sunny day! a local was literally shouting 'wow! what a beautiful day!ohh..beautiful day!' haha..i guess the locals cant wait for spring as well.ohh..its gonna be great.i'll be on holiday when spring! tp yg paling penting,slippers! i honestly cant wait to wear slippers.cukup la of that converse and the cold.huhu..

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hari ni..

tak rasa nak senyum.
tak rasa nak berbual.
emosi tak menentu.
nak ponteng klas.

cepat la hari ni abes..

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

not so great

hmm..hari ni malas nak update.dont feel like disappointed with my assignment.i misunderstood the whole point.huhu.sedih~

G: was it a bad person or a good person?
W: neither..just a person.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Opsss..sorry sengaja

i hate malaysia
i shud go back to my hometown bukan aku yg ckp.a fren of mine yg masih di mesia yg ckp.nama dia dirahsiakan lah.aku just gelar dia sebagai Noord sahaje.btw..aku bengang bile org mesia ckp cmtu.kalo ckp kat kawan2 dia mungkin ok la.jap lagi, dapat kat aku..mmg salah org la babe! Noord ni setau aku la kan, mmg membesar di mesia walaupun dilahirkan di Amsterdam (bak kate dia la). soo..after like 24years of belaja, makan minum, mem'besar' kat mesia..rupe2 nye dia maseh tak ada perasaan cinta kan mesia.kesian.dia tak sedar mesia ni lah yg dh byk bagi can kat dia.dh la belaja kat uitm..yg kerajaan bagi subsidi tu.pastu pakai kete national.kerja kat syarikat org mesia.lain la kalo belaja kat international college, pakai kete international, keje dgn syarikat international..itu pun maseh menganggap Amsterdam tu sbg 'ur hometown'.Noord membanggakan sgt Amsterdam tu bcos weed is legal.kat mesia illegal pun still ade org ape masalah?

but am not borned in here
so maybe am proud to be malaysian
but the sense of patriotisme is not there
my proud for malaysia but my soul for noord

ckp pun mcm kel.maybe proud to be malaysian but not patriotic? gile can u not be patriotic if ur proud of ur country?sengal.kejap lagi boleh plak dia tanye aku, kat aussie ni ade ke malaysian community.double sengal.bcos he claimed kat Amsterdam takde malaysian community.tak ramai la kononnye.

sbb i bknya slalu g sana pun
kt Jisp ke
kt Pumerend ker
pelik kn
i sendiri pun tak tau

mengaku diri sendiri tak tau..and yet still banggakan ur hometown.pegi balik hometown ko esok la weh..such a disappoinment.

me: then..doesnt mesia sounds more like home?

Noord has signed out..

Guys, meet...


hehe.ini lah chenta hati ku Karim.
dia bukan kucing aku jadi aku amik risiko letak gamba dia kat sini.
harap Mar tak marah.lalala
handsome kan budak ni?
when i have free time, mmg la pegi hall jumpe dia semata2.
hehe.rindu kat budak noty ni.

Monday, August 25, 2008


hari ni aku rase ekstremli heppy.

Lari-lari anak

alhamdulillah siap juge ye.kali ini assignment ku siap pada jam 2:46am waktu mesia.good good (keje last minute). and im quite surprised myself that this time i didnt panic to death.haha.maybe panic haritu mase first time tu je.lalala.

baik awak insaf.
-dari si peminjam tiket-

Sunday, August 24, 2008


aku maseh belom abes membaca.esok dah nak anta assignment.isk..mcmane ni??in between reading, i managed to eat 3slices of pitza, potato chips and some biskits.and of course browsing the net religiously.and watched some videos on youtube.and now its 33 past 5pm.aihh..this is why i'd rather work than study.

communication is a homeopathic remedy: the disease and the cure are in cahoots.

No Doubt

laughing ur ass off once in a while is a good thing.but it didnt do any good to me.few hours after laughing histerically, i cried plak.kan org ckp jgn gelak seronok sgt nnt nanges.padan la dgn muke nye.and i cudnt stop until i found this one angel.tengs ya.this whole idea of being here, far away from the loved ones is still overwhelming.for a moment i thot i cudnt do this anymore, but then i guess i wasnt thinking straight.i am fine, i shud be fine.


Saturday, August 23, 2008


i cant exactly remember what i dreamt of last nite.all i cud recall was my parents were there in it.and i remember crying in that dream.when i woke up, i realized that i had literally cried in my sleep.and now, all i cud think of is the dream.i need to know what happened.cuz it has been a while since i cried while sleeping.

sabar jerlah budak nih tau

Earth to..

on my way to the city, i saw The Dandy Warhols posters stamped on the brick walls.i've heard of the band somewhere but i've never really paid much attention.this time, the posters triggered me to google them i opened the website and its kinda cool.i figured i cud try listening to their songs (here) from the latest album, Earth To The Dandy Warhols.and i must say that they are pretty great!out of the 13 songs, only 8 that i managed to listen to, and i like 'em.all of ' thinking that i mite be going to their concert soon in sorry i cant say much about their kind of music.i have zero knowledge to explain.hehe. but u can listen to 'em if u want to.i've inserted the link, so just click away!..i may not know much about these guys but i do like their songs.

maybe xumb can help me out here. *wink*

Friday, August 22, 2008


We might kiss when we are alone
When nobody's watching
We might take it home
We might make out when nobody's there
It's not that we're scared
It's just that it's delicate

often i past is tailing me along.

a day in the city

the weather forecast for today said that it wud be cloudy.but no..its quite sunny today and i thot of just staying home.but then kak yan ajak pegi city so we went out.since she just came, i was some sort of like a tourist guide lah.haha.aku bawak dia ke city.showed her where to buy groceries stuff and all.then in the afternoon, i took her to meet the forever cute Karim.hehe.missed him alot.afterword we went back to melbourne central and bought some, there goes my Friday.

have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

semua org boleh terbang

jom ke melbourne!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


i was just about to shut down my lappy and go to bed when i suddenly remembered something.puasa is just around the corner.and me, for the 1st time gonna be fasting without my parents.sad? yeah..back in mesia, i made it a must to berbuka together on the 1st day of puasa.oh god..this is the sacrifice that i have to make kan...lets not talk about raya.

but despite all this, i still cant wait to fall in love with spring.

Aku Juga Ingin

seorang rakan sedang dalam perjalanan pulang ke mesia.
aku cemburu.

aku perlu kuatkan semangat, ya


im sorry..tapi aku dah tak boleh tahan dah.kite kan same2 self-sponsored.agak2 la.dah la aku and him are practically the ones yg bring the food home.and kamu just makan je.dont get me wrong.aku tak kesah nak makan, seriously.tapi kdg2 tu..kamu la pulak beli food.aku faham kamu nak save.abeh tu, aku ni tak nak saving la?aku rasa aku lagi sengkek dari kamu.ala..setakat beli roti je pun cukup la.tak mahal pon.aku tak mtk kamu beli pizza ke, ape me.i understand our financial situation.tapi beragak2 la.before this, dari ape yg kamu cerita, selama ni kamu hidup atas perbelanjaan org lain.contohnya, pinjam ticket tram.padahal u have urs but u pinjam org lain punye just because u nak jimat urs.tak adil kan?org lain bayar for that ticket and u plak pinjam.tak kesah la kalo org lain nyer class siang and ur class tu malam.still, its not a reason for u to use other people's necessities.pulak tu..kamu keje kottt...!!dapat duit every week.aku tak keje wehhh.and yet hari ni, ko decide to pinjam aku nyer tram ticket.ko tak rase kejam ke? i live my live moderately ok.i dont eat outside because of money constrain.cume kdg2 je bila dah mengidam sgt baru la beli.or at times, i eat once a day sbb i have only like 10$ in my pocket.and kdg2 tu utk save for my tram ticket jgk.aku beli every week kot.kamu?once every 2 weeks je.

tak kelaka ke bile org belikan makanan and kite being considerate, kite pay that person for our part la kan.tapi kamu...nak free.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


siap jgk essay tu.walaupun ape yg aku buat mungkin salah.tapi at least aku dah cuba.hahahaha.kan dah bengong.buat keje kelam kabut.anyway, agak relieved bile keje tu dah selesai.and tomorrow start on the next one plak.aihhh..thats just how it is kan.


of fofana, a ring, a bell and a heart