Monday, September 29, 2008


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Spell on me

erm..tiba-tiba rasa nak balik tu muncul semula.

forgive me.

Friday, September 26, 2008


i've uploaded few pics during my jalan2 spending duit at the Royal Melbourne Show.if u feel like it, click on my Picasa.

selamat hari raya semua.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fenomenal Tag

yaaa...hamba telah di tag oleh Author Karipap Daging.setelah sekian lamanya tak buat tag, otak agak berkarat..maka perlukan sedikit masa utk berfikir.hehe.jadi, ini lah hasil nya..

1) Apa anda buat 5 tahun dahulu?
  • 5thn dulu saya merupakan pelajar uitm berumur 20thn yg agak naive dan berpakaian agak kuno (bila tgk balik gamba rasa mcm nak bunuh diri.haha) thn tu juga merupakan thn yg agak mencabar sbb aku harus dpt 3pointer utk maju ke tahap degree.
2) 2 perkara/habit yang tidak diketahui/ganjil tentang diri anda.
  • penah tertidur di atas motor ketika di federal highway.sejak tu, tak rasa nak naik moto lagi.
  • dahulu suka memanjat pokok.oh..rindu lah nak panjat pokok.
3) 3 tabiat buruk anda masa sekolah.
  • ni bukan tabiat buruk la tp masa sekolah rendah, waktu bulan puasa, tiap2 hari akan balik rumah masa rehat dan makan roti dgn minum susu.tiap2 hari.sampai kantoi dgn cikgu sekolah waktu menyelinap kuar ikut pagar tepi kelas.haha.tapi mesti la ada sebab.dulu saya berpenyakit jadi tak boleh tak makan.
  • semasa kena hantar lukisan kat cikgu, saya bagi lukisan saya yg cantik kepada kawan sbb kawan tu tak pandai melukis (well, aku pun tak pandai.aunty aku yg lukis kan lukisan aku waktu tu) jadi aku pula yg terpaksa lukis sendiri lukisan utk diriku.maka, jadi la satu produk yg aku tetap dapat A (yg ini kantoi juga, dgn aunty aku..adoi)
  • tak suka pegi tandas sekolah, jadi akan tahan sampai balik umah.agak tak senonoh.tapi seperti yg Author Karipap Daging bilang, tak tahan dgn "kebersihan dan kewangian" (Xumb, 2008)
yeah..selesai!terima kaseh!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


just finished watching it setelah berkurun lamanya N bagi.hehe.tengs N! saya sgt suka ini filem.


went to Royal Melbourne Show.seronok gile.haha.and i bought a Your Style showbag worth 157$ for only 15$.coolness.i'll upload the pics in picasa soon.


Nana 2

watched this on youtube.a little bit disappointed on the girl who replaced Aoi Miyazaki.she's not as good as Aoi.i dont like the guys who replaced Ren and Shin either.adoii..they should have just stick with the original actors and actress.nevertheless, its a good story to indulge to when ur bored to death do u part.haha



watched this again for the 2nd time.loved it the same.

Glamorous Sky.

Friday, September 19, 2008


oh noi..! i am a mushroom.!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

killing me softly

how i wish that puasa wont end.simply because i dont want raya to come.i thot it wudnt affect me that much but it does.bodo la..just now i've downloaded few raya songs, especially takbir raya tu.and my tears welled up abit.

yaAllah..perasaan nak balik ni meronta2.


he's having problems finding a house.and that worries me so much.i tried to help but its getting hard.we're already in the middle of the semester.less and less people are looking for worried.mcmane nak tlg ni?dem.

Monday, September 15, 2008

good gracious

it was sunny and yet it was horrifyingly cold.sket je lagi nak beku hari felt like winter.anyway, we had a guest lecture today and he is a Japanese,salah salah..he is a Cute Japanese guy.hahaha.jgn jeles Shafa!lalala.the name is Katsuhiko Suganuma.he looks young but currently he's doing Phd.wOw.a cute Japanese Phd guy.hehe.i wonder if i cud get his number from Catherine.hahahaha.tak kot!moving on, when the class ended i made my way to melbourne central and to my luck my tram had also arrived in i jumped on it and thank god hari ni tak ramai.if not i'd always have to since there were not so many people, the tram went so fast that i specifically lost track of the yeah..i missed mine.haha.then, due to my extreme laziness, i decided to just sit quietly until its last stop.when the tram driver was making his way to the other end, i smiled shepishly at him and told him that i missed my Stop 132.i told a little white lie, i said that i was reading.haha.hey, i was reading but i stopped at Stop 129. =p he is a very kind and frenly elderly man.i stood besides him and had the chance to look at the driver's pit or watever they call it.byk gile buttons and all he has to do is push one button and the tram moves.tayah nak control2 gear ke clutch ke.he said, 'it's as easy as that' cute la that old man.i thanked him and skipped my way back

kalo menanges yg tak over sgt batal puasa tak?

ku rindu

aku rasa mcm nak balik sgt.

masih belum sempurna

Sunday, September 14, 2008


i just got back from DFO Essenden.ikut mereka shopping for Corelle.i was too occupied with other things like clothes and stuff that i didnt stay long to watch them choosing plates or bowls.and yes, Nats, i restrained myself from buying things.thank you!i just got myself a 1dolar hosier.which matches my dress.hehe.anyways, with all the Corelle that they bought we definitely had to call a taxi and so we, being the lazy one to help, stood at the exit holding the heavy door.then the taxi driver came to have a little chat with me (he's from spain btw).he asked 'ur from malaysia also?'.yeah..then dgn tiba2 'i love malaysian food.'..yeah rite (dalam hati aku).then he said something that should flatter me but instead it gave me the creeps.he said 'ur very beautiful..'. okaaayyyy...this is getting scary.'maybe when i see u i'll say hello'..okayy..double scary.then, he without any doubt asked for my number so he cud call me up to say hi.i was like 'im sorry?my phone number?noo..its okay.'he replied with a im-a-good-person althou i look like a bear.bla bla bla.i was scared ok.the others plak kat dalam mengangkut brg2(padan muka.sape soh tak nak tolong.haha).so all i could do was laugh.then he said something that stopped my heart from beating. "i can see that ur not in love". whot?!

am i that transparent?
that even a cab driver knows that i am not in love?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

wish list

aku ada menyimpan satu impian.impian utk call kenkawan2 di mesia.aku seronok dgr suara's been 2months and i tried to call as many frens as i can.just to say hi and stuff.but due to my short-term memory and short-term credit, aku tak berkesempatan nak call sume org at a time.last week i called two and just today i called another two.utk yg aku tak call lagi tu, i hope u dont mind ya.i'll get to you soon.u do know how much i miss u guys rite.yg kat US tu kan, aku rasa cm nak tgk la cmne.(hi nathlish!)haha.oh, alamak..cousins pun aku tak abes call lagi.hahaa.nak kena topup lebih ni.

korg tak nak call aku plak ke?haha.kidding.


do u see the small white dot? thats the moon.
i saw it at around 5-ish looks much bigger in real life.hehe.

** b, terima kaseh utk lagu itu.wev u!

curiosity kills the cat

hari ni, aku tak seceria semalam.
just because of a secret.

takde maksud aku xbgtau.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Syukur Alhamdulillah

remember me telling u that my presentation sucked? well, here's the email i just read after a few days in agony:

Dear Fina,

You scored a HD (81) for your presentation.

Your presentation on ethnic identity and the nation-state, focusing on the Peranakans, was very thoroughly researched and proficiently communicated. You provided an interesting history of Peranakan history and illustrated the importance of Peranakan culture in Singapore tourism. The kebaya was a very nice touch as well.

Keep up the good work!

Best wishes,

ohh...thank youu.i loooovee u catherine!!

this thing

dang..! it has been 3 days in a starting to get wont stop and it bugs me big time.

hello, Foucault..where are you?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

kan dah kena...

a conversation i had with amy during our 15minutes break.she's from mainland China.

amy: fina, that day i saw some women wearing something that cover their head.are they muslims?
me: yeah..they are.
amy: then why dont u wear anything to cover ur head?
me: hahahahhhahaha.well, i shud be wearing it.but i dont.
amy: why?is it a must to wear it? or u can choose not wear it?
me: we have to wear it but i dont.hehehe.
amy: if u dont wear it what will happen?
me: i get sins.

malu ke tak??hahaha.malu doi.tak pandai nak explain.hari tu dah explain part puasa.naseb dia faham yg tu.lala.amy sgt bagus.sgt suka bertanya pasal culture and religion.bagus.aku suka.

let the speakers blow ur mind.


haloo..i've woken from my deep slumber.14hours weh.hahaha.bahana tak tido semalaman.malas plak nak ke kelas.kalo pegi, berbuka dlam klas lagi la nampaknye.bosan.

idle is the core of evil

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

crappily sleepy

aku mengantuk lah.selepas submit my crap essay aku semacam mengantuk.benar..kerana aku tertido dalam kelas.aku yg paling obvious kerana kepala tersengguk2.haha.padan muka.and now i wanna go into a deep slumber.byee..

kau membencikan.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


kenape hari ni aku rase mcm diingini oleh lelaki2?betol, aku tak tipoo.pagi tadi seorg teman chatting berkata, "so geli2 ngan aku jom!".euw.dan semestinya jawapan aku tidak.situasi kedua, sebelum aku ke kelas.seorg teman chatting juga bertanya, "ko nak kt aku tak?".oh..a tempting offer dan semestinya aku tak terjawab.sbb aku mahu tapi keadaan tak mengizinkan.dan ketika aku sedang menunggu kenderaan awam ku, tiba2 dua pemandu yg berbeza hollered at me.terasa seperti diingini kan?tiba2 aku imagine yg aku ni hot, seriously.tak salah kan utk aku once in a while humoring myself.eventho aku tau sume yg kat atas ni merepek.tapi its good sbb instinct aku mengatakan yg aku akan menangis malam ni.jadi, sebelum air mata ni turun, its better for me to have a good laugh.its me.

i want no strings attached...

Monday, September 8, 2008







i can never do things right these days.

bodo betol.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sub Two

baby aina.i made her laugh when he shot this.

hmm..walaupun tak rase cm nak update but i did it i tried to finish my presentation but as usual, tak siap2 lagi.gonna get it done tonite.tak tido pun takpe.coz tomorrow gonna start on the essay we went to hall for the bazaar ramadhan.there were only 6 stalls but ramai jgk yg dtg.aku tak sempat nak beli roti jala.sedih sedih.then berbuka ramai2 kat hall, terawih sume tu.about 10pm gitu baru balik.penat but i'd have to finish the power point slides.aihhh..cmni la jadi student kan.amek ko.nak sgt blaja.haha

keceriaan di dalam kekalutan.tengs mr. sheffield

Thursday, September 4, 2008

When crab meets garbage

..crap! aku berangan.bengong jak.
ade byk assignment nak kena buat lagi.

presentation hari senin.
essay hari rabu.
never-ending critical blogs.

i see...Hope.bluergh

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Puasa ke-3

adehh..sakit pinggang.hari ni aku dgn rela hati meng-offer tenaga menolong kak jie masak.yes, masak.well, i didnt exactly masak, i just helped her with other things like chopping veggies, onions and i washed all the dishes.periuk kuali tu sume lah.penat ok.but alhamdulillah dibayar.ade la sket duit.kalo dapat tolong every once in a while ok gak kan.hehe.

halamak, assignment tak buat lagi.dem.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Salam Perantauan

nantikan kemunculan kami di sotkabo Utusan.hahaha.

i've uploaded more in picasa.check 'em out.basically setting sume same je.haha.not many yg turned up for the shooting.kami ni je la yg ade.kalo tak lagi ramai.but we had fun.semangat nak masok sotkabo la brother is at the back wearing the very light blue baju melayu.

Monday, September 1, 2008


wawaaa..hari pertama puasa, not bad.even tho i was tired from moving out.i had to make 2 trips to my house and another one to yan's one else helped.only me and dalina the two superwomen.hahaha.lagipun berbuka awal dari it wasnt that bad at all.hahaha.B dah maki2 aku.seronok main2 kan perasaan permanent house is colder practically freezing.anyway, selamat berpuasa to all.