Saturday, November 29, 2008


i had fun fun fun! hehehe.alhamdulillah the trip was great and nothing bad happened while we were there.i'll be uploading pictures soon.and oh, i am now officially 20.hahahhaa! no lah, 24 lah.rasa mcm dah tua sgt dah.anyway, aku tak larat nak update pasal trip tu lagi.soon la.daa~

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


baiklah, rakan-rakan.ini merupakan entry terakhir aku.i'll be cruising the road early in the morning.doakan keselamatan kami ya.terima kaseh.i'll be back soon! with updates and pictures insyaAllah.

take care everyone!

road trip!

neves.aku neves.about the trip.i havent pack anything yet.tonite i'll be sleeping over at a fren's senang nnt esok pagi from her house, we'll pick up the car and go straight away to our destination.yay! the weather has been good these past 2 days and i hope it'll continue till saturday.amin amin.

am i eksaited? u bet!

Monday, November 24, 2008

girls just wanna have fun

12 Apostles

i am eksaited for the trip this thursday.the 5 of us will be going to the Great Ocean Road.tho the weather forecast doesnt look too good, but im crossing my fingers that it'll be just's a 3days 2nites trip so im hoping that we have enough time to explore.we're gonna be cruising the long road, get soak wet (if the weather allows us to!), lie on the beach, have girls nite out and just have fun.a holiday that i've been waiting for is finally here, alhamdulillah.

harapnye sume berjalan lancar.amin.

Friday, November 21, 2008

ehem ehem

"sweet talkers sume cm haram" (Fina Ramlee, 2008)

u like?



i saved someone from losing his wallet.
i saved a ladybird from being squashed.


no one saved me from humiliation.
aku period and the rest is history.



he called.two times.
who does that?
calling Down Under plak tu.

aku taleh tido dan..
aku LAPAR.



ah, im stressing.over something so birthday, again.stress!
im predicting no cake (cuz i'll probly be on the road that day),
no pressies (eh wait, i think i'll get one from my osmets.i think
no lepak2 minum coke & bowl kat Strike (it's not like i know them for a year already),
no jelly & ice cream of course (duh).hahaha.

bday thn ni mungkin tak seronok.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

guess u wont marry the sweet talker

yesterday i was chatting with a long-time fren from high skool.well, he's my senior we were talking about something regarding to being fat.i said i've gain few kilos (benci) and that i want to lose some of those excessive fat.then he asked me, 'why takut jadi gemok?'.erm, i dont exactly want to answer that and i dont want to be saying something cliche i just said its involving self-esteem.for those who might not know this, i've always have issues about myself.i feel inadequate when im with thing for sure, i dont have the face is not not that tall.i dont have great dark.etc etc.when i compare myself with frens, i feel down.its even stressful when some frens over here are thinner than me and yet they say they're fat.they have flat tummies kot! and i dont.they're flawless, skin wise.thick hair.sweet.slim.and of course, they're younger.i didnt actually say this to my senior.not wanting to feel that bad about i just told him the basic things and he, being a sweet fren, said something that shud make me feel flattered and yet, i took it as something that he shud say to make me feel better.he said exactly this,

F: if im not with someone at d moment
F: i might consider u to b my wife.
F: pending meetups n get-to-know-u-all-over-again-after-years-apart sessions

now i know i shudnt be believing all this, because, what a sweet talker he is (i lied & told him he's not a sweet talker thou he admits so).haha.but i somehow felt good.felt my cheeks flushed for a moment.but then immediately snapped back to reality.c'mon.he's just saying it to make me feel good.thou he did say that im attractive (just so u know, i dont believe that either).i cant handle compliments.they get to, that is how un-confident i am (i know, the word un-confident is non-existance.watever).ok, scratch that.i shud just use, ungrateful or low self-esteem.yeah..that's how i am.i wince when i look in the mirror.wud always wonder why im not like them.them who are better looking etc.aihhh.ok lah.better stop here before i go on and on about being ugly.

how many sweet compliments must it take to make u happy wit urself?


it was on Tuesday that i got a surprise of my life.the gmail popped out and i cant believe my eyes when i read, "Congratulations! You've won!". i was like "won what?".so i read the mail and i was one of the 10 winners that won the Nine West competition! yay!! i seriously cudnt believe it.basically because i gave a very lame answer to the question 'what is the best fashion advice you've ever received'. i remember i said something about 'simple'.that's it.hoho.anyways, thou im disappointed that i wont be getting any Nine West shoes or handbags but a skincare range is quite ok.i've never heard of the brand Dr.LeWinn's but it costs about 139$.so, that shud be ok.better than nothing kan.i cant wait for it to arrive.hopefully someone is at home when the delivery comes.amiinn.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

city lah sangat

aku mmg tak lekat umah la these few days.have been going to the city everyday since wednesday up till today (sunday). and tomorrow (monday) will be going to the city AGAIN.but i had a great weekend thou.yesterday slept at a fren's house and today we went to the sunday market.met everyone else and ate lunch together.then we went to brighton beach.damn cold i tell ya.i was wearing that dress i bought online.lagi la sejuk kan pakai dress.hahaha.OZ lah org kata. *muntah* haha.tomorrow pegi city lagi because a fren will be going back to mesia on dia nak go around the city loop and take pictures.layan kan ajeee..tak tau la bile lagi nak jumpa dia kan. *sigh* tak nyempat nak berehat kat umah pon.anywho, im done with shopping for this month. *cough* yeah rite *cough* hahahaha.aku dah berbudget2 dah what to buy soon.opsss! i did it again.

dia kata dah lama x sembang ngn ko n nyakat ko.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


finally! i got my very first Keds.yay! they're on sale and i got 'em for 20$ instead of 70$.yay again! i've been wanting to own Keds since that i've found there are soo many shops that sell them, i dont have to worry happy althou i guilty-ly used the money on sale.therefore, i cudnt resist.and im thinking of buying another one.ngeee~ ape Nats? jgn membazir? hehehehe.takde lah.i'll see how.i need to save some for the trip as well.but im thinking of getting another dress, the one i tried the other day.hihi.i got a discount coupon, so murah la sket.mati la.ahad ni nak ke sunday market plak.lala.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


uh-oh..aku diamanahkan utk mengusha barang2 kat sini utk kawan2.dan aku terlupa.terlupa kebanyakan brg2 yg di pesan.yg aku ingt beberapa je.jadi kepada kawan2 yg memesan, tolong isikan ruangan komen dgn list brg2 anda.sekian terima kaseh.

gerak gempur!


hari ni panas.panaaassssss!but that didnt stop me from going out to the city.went to the uni first to return the books Asih borrowed.than took out some money, which, were supposed to be for groceries.but but but....i spent some for a belt and a dress.hoho.aku semakin kronik.asik nak beli dress je.but i never wear them! point of buying kan.well, i'll find the courage soon.haha.i need more monies so that i could splurge.esok nak kuar lagi la gamaknye.sigh.taleh jadi ni.tulun!

matahari jahat!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

baiklah, dgn ini..

saya akan memberi kan kata putus mengenai trip ke Tasmania.dgn ini, saya mengumumkan bahawasanya, saya tidak pergi ke trip tersebut.jgn mengeluh ye anak2.keputusan ini dibuat dgn rasa rendah diri.tambahan pula, saya perlu pergi ke doktor gigi utk membaikpulih gigi saya ini.sekian.terima kaseh.hahaha.aku tak dapat nak pegi la.priority jatuh kepada gigi ku yg disayangi.lagipun, diorg senyap je.tak tanya, cancel je lah kan.hahahaha.but tengs kepada yg memberi pendapat mereka.aku appreciate sgt2.insyaAllah bila ada peluang lagi utk pegi, i'll go.bukan setakat ke Tazzie, malahan ke Sydney, Adelaide etc..woot! haha.
aku mcm nak pegi konsert Kanye lah.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


i have a dilemma.a fren called and asked me to join them for a trip to tempted.i asked how'll be about 400$ including flight, hotel etc.that's considered cheap.but when i asked when, she said from 27-30th november.whot! my birthday is gonna be between those dates!i want to celebrate it here, at home.or at least with my brother around and my housemates.but she insisted that i go along and we can celebrate together.with the others as well.i want to stay home but then again, this is the chance for me to go out of Victoria.bile lagi nak pegi birthday wouldnt be great, but i want my brother to be with me.and the trip would be just great as well.sigh.frens, pls put some senses in me.pretty pls?

bye = any sense of humor?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Couch Potato

definition: A couch potato is a person who spends most of his or her free time sitting or lying on a couch

that explains me well.i am the ultimate couch potato.i dont sleep in my bedroom anymore.i spend my days on this comfortable couch.i even sleep on this couch.i am the living room girl.haha.oh crap.i remembered something.when i was in cyber, i slept in the living room as well.this means that....i am a true living room girl! tak senonoh weh.hahahhaha.but i dont comfortable and my housemates dont least, when i sleep in the living room, i'll wake up early.yes, i do.and that's healthy rite?..yes? know how long am i gonna sleep on the couch.i'll take a picture of it one day and show it to's old but i looove it.

oh, i'm happy that another fren of mine finally has a blog.haha.go usher!

b, aku tgh dlm kesakitan.tak pegi klinik lagi. :(

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


apart from celebrating obama's victory, i am:
  • in pain + toothache = appetite-less (sakit gile weh)
  • sleepy.didnt sleep the whole day yesterday kan.
  • cranky.for no reason.
  • tired.i tertido dlm tram masa pegi AND balik.tersengguk2 tido.malu ai.haha.
  • that the semester's over, i dont know what to do.but im anticipating our picnic.
  • hopeless.thank god there's Asih.she's the one who crushed the panadol for me.not that i cant do it myself.i just need people to care, i guess.gile pathetic.sigh.
regardless, i cant wait to wear the dress i bought the other day.i want to feel cute, no no.i want to feel and look adorable (Naylez, 2008).crikey! btw, i hope u get the one u wanted, Naylez.hawt la org kate.hahahahaha.

pokok bole je otomatik goyang. (Mila, 2008)


i laf youuuuu..


Gue ditag oleh Miss goes

Starting time : 10:08am
Name : Fofana
Sisters : 0
Brothers : 1
Shoe size : 7
Height : 162cm
Where do you live : Coburg

Have you ever been on a plane : Yeah
Swam in the ocean : Hell No
Fallen asleep at school : Yeah
Broken someone’s heart : Yeah
Fell off your chair : Cant remember
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Yeah
Saved e-mails : Yeah
What is your room like : Messy with a capital M

What’s right beside you: Student ID card
What is the last thing you ate : Kuih Almond London

Ever had…
Chicken pox : Yeah
Sore throat : Yeah
Stitches : No
Broken nose :No

Do you...
Believe in love at first sight : Probably

Who was/were…
The last person you danced with : Class of 2007
Last made you smile : Mr. Sheffield
You last yelled at : Last week

Today did you…
Talk to someone you like : Nope
Kissed anyone : Hmm
Get sick : No
Talk to an ex : Not yet
Miss someone : Yeah
Who do you really hate: Gila Gossip Girl siot
Do you like your hand-writing : At times
Are your toe nails painted : No

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : A secret i'll never tell
What color shirt are you wearing now : White
Are you a friendly person : I wish!
Do you have any pets : Cats
Do you sleep with the TV on: Yeah.why not.
What are you doing right now : Duh
Can you handle the truth : Denial is my middle name

Are you closer to your mother or father : Mama!

Do you eat healthy : Of course not.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : Never
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : Hoho
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : A little of both
Are you confident : Depends

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Schooling
2. Moved to another school
3. Stupid things
4. Building friendships
5. Dancing

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Pay parents' debt
2. Pay mine and Shah's school fees
3. Pay my loan
4. Live in the city
5. Go back & forth to Mesia/Melbourne/New York/Colorado every weekend

5 of my bad habits
1. Shake shake shake...shake shake it!
2. Procrastinating
3. Malas masak when it's my turn
4. Hunching (habit ke tu?)
5. Nail biting

5 places I’ve lived/living
1. Johor Bahru
2. Shah Alam
3. Cyberjaya
4. Temerloh
5. Melbourne

5 people I tag
B Awe

Are blogs vague? So is Today

Juling..yaaa....aku sudah juling.masakan tak, dok ngadap laptop seharian.dan finally, alhamdulillah assignments aku sume dah selesai.quality? jgn tanye.hahahah.YAY!! aku bisa tidur, bisa pegi beach, bisa picnic dan bisa berkonfrontasi.

SUMMER!!sini aku dtg!

Monday, November 3, 2008


cita-cita utk sambung buat assignment terbantut seketika.i ter-slept through 32 songs.haha.if i wasnt awaken by Asih, i'll be sleeping till morning.i still have like 6 blog entries and a literature review to go.all due on, for a pemalas veteren like me, i'm beginning to freak out. tick tock tick tock. nak la ada effect2 sweating tp due to the cold weather, angan2 menjadi debu.crikey! haa..tgk2.aku dah mula merepek.aku maseh mengantok tp perlu kuat semangat nih.ayuh fina....fighting! farid was confident that i'll be pretty much awake after we played that hilarious game of his. tipoooo! aku dgn jayanya tido after he went home. haha. oh crap. i need to stop. have to finish my critical blog. then the lite review. bye!

pain is just a state of mind.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


hari ni aku happy.kenape?kerana:
  • tak buat assignment
  • lunch date kat Brunswick
  • beli dress
  • pegi Hawksburn
  • tak buat assignment
  • pegi Port Melbourne
  • tak buat assignment
  • lepak Esteller then Fed Square
  • sampai umah chatting
  • tak buat assignment
happy kan? yay!