Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Tension of Opposite

these are taken from that book up there; a heart-warming story
(i highly recommend this book to you;there's a muvi as well but unfortunately i cant find it)

"Life is a series of pulls back and forth. you want to do one thing but you're bound to do something else. something hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't. you take certain things for granted, even when you know you should never take anything for granted."

its true what Morrie said, when we want to do this one thing, something else comes up. when we know the consequences of our acts, we ignore them and let ourselves get hurt. when we have precious things or dear people in our lives, we take them for granted.
im one of those who often take things for granted. i dont appreciate the things i own. for example, my ipod. my brother gave it to me and what do i do with it? i leave it anywhere i want. at times i wud forget where i place it. then baru la nak panik. same goes to my camera. mase mule2 bukan main la sayang, simpan elok2. now, the casing is gone, and dah ade calar2 everywhere and i dont even use it anymore.haihh..mmg betol2 tak appreciate.bile dah takde baru mencari.
itu ok lagi..but when it involves family and friends..i am a true unappreciative person.well, not that unappreciative but at times i forget the sacrifices they made. im sorry..im still in the process to be a better person.hopefully soon, before i hurt more people. i cant be too selfish and everything must not be about me all the time. yeah..i know.

"A tension of opposite, like a pull on a rubber band. and most of us live somewhere in the middle."

yeah..i admit. i am in the middle. so what? so fina..change. i cant live like this forever.not being appreciated is the last thing people wud want from me. and im sure i wudnt want people to do that to me as well. when others appreciate you..its priceless. tapi tu lah...terkadang tu kite lupe. terlalu alpa dgn duniawi. maka..kite slow-down lah ye.

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