Wednesday, January 19, 2011

the one who passed away

Jang Jang Binks,
ur the most gentle, patient cat ever.
never grumble when we said no.
never bite when we shoved countless pills down ur throat everyday.
never fail to come running when we call out ur name.
ur a true survivor.

we miss you so much B.
but i know ur happy and safe in heaven.
therefore, we're not worried.
we love you.


Anonymous said...

siannyeeeeee dia sakit ape tu?

Bulat said...

luka dia tu kena fungal infection. lama2 jadi besar mcm tu lah. and it affected his liver as well.

kesian dia.had to suffer.mati mata terbukak.i think he was in pain masa dh nak mati tu. :(

Anonymous said...

Sedih :(