Thursday, January 6, 2011

baby got bags

things that make me happy

huge ass balloon thingy
(whatever you call it)


and santa!(?)

the top i wore was the only clothing i bought (which was so not me). the moment i went into Glassons, that blouse caught my eyes. i grabbed it and asked B (my cousin's daughter) if it's pretty. she said NO (what does a 9 year old know about fashion anyway?pfffttt) i bought it and it turned out to be my favourite blouse for the week. weee..

its weird, really. that this time, i completely turned a blind eye on clothing. i was more into bags. clutches, handbags, wallets. the handbag i was wearing, was a gift from my dear cousin, T. i absolutely loooove it. thank youuu! then, there's mom, who bought me another handbag as a graduation present. it is the bag of the year! hihi. (and yes, i wore the same cardie twice)

bag: Tony Bianco

then my brother bought a clutch for me. on top of that, i bought a wallet with the same style as the clutch. to compliment each other lah (as if!).


Anonymous said...

shoppinggggggggggg. sape tak suka shopping is not human. hahaha

Bulat said...


i suka shopping tapi takde gaji lagi, mcmane? hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

takpeeeee. bile ada gaji, more shopping for you.

btw, see my blog hahahahhaa. for you