Saturday, September 5, 2009


for the first time in my life..i managed to finish one of my assignments EARLY (early2 pon kol 11:45pm jgk).rasa mcm nak tampar muka sendiri laju2.everyone knows im a last-minute-person.i claimed myself to be more of an 'under pressure' person.its the same cuma sounded a little bit better than the former.haha.anyways,it felt good.but i think its just because the assignment is easier than writing an essay, which i hate most doing.there were a few unfortunate events happening while i was a couple next door was screaming 'eff!' at each other outside the i peeked at the window hoping that i cud witness the exciting scene.but too bad, it was dark (duh) but i cud see the shadow of the guy getting into the car (shouting effs) and turned on the engine (still shouting, and the girl too), drove away with his car window down (and STILL screaming effs!) until the car is out of view.that was hilarious.hahaha.then later on, (probably God want to repay my evilness for laughing at the couple) by this 2nd event: my housemate accidently spilled water on the table and of course ON my laptop as well.padan muka!thank god my laptop is A-okay.but lesson learned not have water near me while doing assignments.



n.a.t.s said...

i pun keje berlambak way behind schedule. mcm nk sepak diri ni coz suka procrastinate T_T

Bulat said...

lets kick ourselves then! haha.