i was annoyed when my phone rang at 12am last night.mom was calling and i was quite reluctant to pick up the phone because it was well, 12am.plus, i was in my housemate's room and she was sleeping.but i picked it up anyway.it turned out, she was at my grandma's house and wanted me to talk with grandma.wait, what do i call my late grandma's sister or cousin?hmm..nvrmd.i'll just use grandma, regardless.ok so, she is the only grandma (on my dad's side) left.we aren't close but im fond of her.we'd always drop by her house once in a while and before i came here, i paid her a visit.i was touched when she said, 'adik jgn lupakan atuk ye'.tears started to fall but i didnt want to cry in front of her.then i left.i've been missing her since then.so last night when my mom called, she passed the phone to grandma.it was awkward talking on the phone because it was our first time.she sounded sick but can still laugh and make jokes.then, there was this moment where there was silence.i didnt know what to say and i figured she didnt too.after a couple of seconds, she said, 'adik gelak la.atuk nak dgr org gelak.' i did laugh and immediately after that i had to maintain my cool because mom passed the phone to my aunty and uncle and dad.after putting down the phone, i started crying.i regret that i didnt tell her i miss her.i hope by the time i get back, she'll still be there.amin.
i hope my brother picks up the phone
i hope she'll still be there too. amin to that.
thanks hana..
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