29 november was the day to celebrate and the day which saw a young woman turning into an older young woman.. (huh? now im confusing myself.haha..) anyway..my birth-day started with a not-so-good-mood.that was because i was under probation to become a...sshhh... SENIOR QA.i was stressed and even the day before i dont feel like celebrating.i was STRESSED OUT and was waiting to break down.serious.but i got thru the working hours..
Few Colleagues wished.and as for my QA team..a fellow junior QA accidently let out a-what-supposed-to-be-a-secret-plan to me.muahaha..i knew im gonna get a cake (hehe..its a tradition in the office.duh)..so anyway..the Team Leader Assistant, K, made few jokes and was telling me "where got cake for you?he just made it up.there wont be any cake..".and i was laughing and i told him its okay, i dont mind. (^_^) after lunch..at about 2.30pm, i saw one by one got up and went to the pantry.i pretended as if i didnt notice anything when i felt like laughing my heart out!i had to control my desire to smile and giggle and tried to focus at my monitor.
Then K came to me saying that we got a meeting.bring your note pad and a pen.faster.then he asked me to follow him to see a GD about my ad.K was so clueless of what to do and he brought me to Choda's desk.i just had to smile and laugh.knowing that he's buying some time for the rest to set up the cake and candles.then i followed him to the pantry..and...when i came in..Happy Birthday to you..Happy Birthday to you..Happy Birthday to Finaaa..Happy Birthday to youuuu...was sang to me.i was practically blushing althou i knew about it.and the "best" part was i forgot to make a wish..i was too busy blushing + excited + happy that i forgot to pour my heart's desire.well..nevermind that.we ate the cake and i gave some to others and that was it.
but halfway thru the eating and cleaning..i got another birthday song from a colleague's fren.
Later that afternoon, my brother was asking if i want to celebrate with our cousins..that wud be great i said.so i invited Gee, tasha, abg.bulat and abg.nes..boy decided to eat at Marche at the Curve.so we went there 1st because boy was stuck waiting for his fren's sister.since he was quite late.we ordered 1st.we had 2 pitzas, chicken breast, a sausage and drinks.and still boy wasnt there yet.but thank god i have some cash to pay.the total wasnt so bad.i paid and we waited for boy and abg said lets go somewhere else where boy can have his dinner.oh ya, btw i got a t-shirt from both Gee and Tasha.
Then I decided for us to go to Naili's but in the end, we ended up at Uptown's food court.when we were seated..boy took a paper bag he brought and started to take out things one by one.1st, he took out a bday card..then, an ipod earphone (mine's broken)..and....he took out this medium size box and gave it to me..i looked at it and i was FREAKING SURPRISED!! it was a Sony Ericcson phone! i cant believe that i got it so soon.it was from my beautiful lovely mom..! she bought the exact colour that i wanted.WOW..! i was so shock and i cudnt control my excitement. i quickly called her up and said thanks for the new phone.I LOVE YOU THE BEST, MA.
Everyone was like Waa...new phone.hehehhee..well..i didnt ask for it but im loving it..! and lastly, boy took out the cheese cake that he's been telling me about.can u believe that he made the cheese cake himself?my cousins didnt.but i did.i know he's capable of baking cakes.
So we ordered some tea O ice, teh tarik etc..abg bulat and Gee ordered kuey tiao and boy ordered the infamous chicken chop.we chatted, laughed, made fun till like 1am.we had the greatest time spending the time together.me and abg nes had to go back because we have to work the next day.abg bulat had to sent the rest back to their places.
So..that was it. my birthday party celebration. thank god everybody had a great time. i was afraid that some wudnt enjoy it but thankfully they did. i am particularly honoured that Tasha and Gee came all the way from Pahang to KL to celebrate with me. THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! me and abg nes went back together and we arrived at Cyberjaya at about 2am.i was exhausted yet still happy and excited (over my new phone of course!)..before i settled down to bed, i gave sms-es to all saying thank yous and stuff.abg bulat said we cousins shud to this more often.YAY!!! i wud definitely LOVE to.
Cant wait for our next meeting..!
Till then..! xoxo
3 years ago
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