last night i was with frens having dinner at a restaurant.a fren wanted some plain water so i, being the one who sat the farthest and near to the entrance volunteered to call the this waitress was standing at the entrance looking outside for i dont know..wishing for the rain to stop, i put my hand up and said "excuse me..excuse me..".she turned her head and looked at me for like 10 seconds (without blinking) so i said again (with a little hope), "excuse me..(giving eye signal that hey, im calling you..)".but she was staring and for about 5 seconds after that she asked, "me?? (while pointing to herself)". "no.i was calling for ur mother, sengal" (of course, i didnt say that but i wished i did) but DUHHHHH!! mmg sengal. but i was only mad for 5seconds because it was cold and all i was thinking about was to get home quick.
mmg betol mcm kat luar negara
tiba2 rasa sangat bersyukur ada kat mesia.. kalo panggil mamak buat tak dengar mmg siap arr kena maki.. weee..
haha.rait..bersyukur lah anda.
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