Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hot Tips

i know a lot of you out there wants to lose some weight.i do here are few tips i got from fren?fren doctor?ahh, nevermind that.i do think they work because she (the doc) has been doing it for years and she is a very very slim mother of two (i think).

1. eat bread and bread only.NO RICE.
2. eat white meat.fresh FISH prefably.NOT CANNED FISH.
3. eat watery grapes, watermelon, oranges (u know the drill) NOT APPLES, PEARS etc.
4. drink water.PLAIN water.
5. walk.LOTS OF WALKING.or jog if you prefer that more.

then, i wonder..i NEVER do number 1 and 4..i rarely do number 2 and 3..but im 1.5kg lighter.or mayyyybe, the scale was broken.hah! thats it! hahaha.but nevertheless, im feeling great.i eat healthy, i mean lots of rice, chicken, chicken, chicken some more, mushroom, burgers (McD of course), cakes, cereals etc etc.haha.i thot of going out for a jog but obviously its just a thot.i have running shoes but they havent been worn since i bought em.hihi.ok ok, back to losing weight, if you really really want to lose some, follow the tips religiously.they do work.but, if it doesnt work, shame on you! hahaha
good luck!

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