Monday, August 18, 2008

perosak motivasi

meh aku cite aku buat ape hari ni.pagi ni bgn awal la jgk.kol 10 gitu.pastu kaco mila dgn nur, bising2 pasal assignment.kol 115 kuar umah pegi ke ACMI utk menonton film tayangan kru productions,, kalo kat mesia aku takkan menonton cite ni.tapi disebabkan roomate ku dapat tiket free for the show dan dia mengajak plak aku.maka..aku pun pegi la.and of course, since its the australian malaysian film festival, di setiap show, pasti ade pelakon atau producer film tersebut.jadi, in this case, norman kru and adik razak mohiddin ade.aku tak la teruja.norman je pun.lain la kalo hans isaac ku.harapan aku was for hans to be there as well but hampa.sbb Cuci was showed in the i figured kot la mamat tu rajin to come and watch duyung plak.haha.mimpi lah anyway, lepas muvi tu tros pegi klas.abes klas, aku tapau dinner for my brother and balik sorg2.jadi.......skang ni, cadangnye nak sambung buat essay.but mata aku dah terkebil2 mengantok.akibat tido 2 jam je pagi tadi.

there's no such thing as purity

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