Saturday, December 31, 2011


2011 has taught me a lot of things about life and one of the biggest thing is being humble. I have a very good friend to whom i look up to. Without her even realizing, she has showed and taught me to be humble. She wears expensive clothes, expensive handbags (LV, Chanel, name it) and drives a real expensive car BUT she is the modest and nicest person i've ever known. I kid you not. Frankly, i would expect someone like her to show off but no, she has never done that. I respect her for being able to make me realize that being proud (intentionally/unintentionally) isn't cool. I mean, if a wealthy person can do that, why can't i? Why can't everyone else, right? I used to envy her but i learned that being envious didn't bring me anywhere. It just built more bitterness and so i decided to stop feeling bitter and instead appreciating what i have. I must say that it's not bad at all! If you compare urself to a richer person, of course you wouldn't be satisfied, but if you compare urself to the less privileged, you'll discover a whole new meaning of being grateful. Lagipun, rezeki kita kan lain2. Org tu lebih kat situ, kita pun lebih in other aspect. You cant always get what you want (got that from watching Glee) lol. Anyway, from her I learned to control my bragness (no such word but IDK) a lot and focus on what i have rather than what i don't have. I mean..fine, i don't have an LV, but i have a Tony Bianco. I don't have a Golf but i have a Myvi. Those are good enough, Alhamdulillah. At least, i have something. But hmm..i do like to tell friends sometimes though. hehe. But but it's either something that i've always wanted or something someone gave me. It's not the same thing as showing off, right? I'd call it sharing or maybe...a minimal bragging. HAHA. Okay okay, on a serious note, do keep saying 'Alhamdulillah' AND mean it. Not just because it seems right or because ur supposed to.

So, my resolution for 2012 is to be more humble, more(?) appreciative and happier than in 2011, Oh but of course, no more feeding mom with boy stories. It's getting ridiculous! haha. there's nothing wrong with being single what. I absolutely love it. Senang cerita, kalau ada jodoh, ada lah. kalau takde, chill lah! Anyhoo, i hope you'll have an awesome 2012 people!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I'm working on a project which i shall reveal soon. Mundane Munster & Syzn have already agreed to join. I'm excited! Can't wait for 2012!