I've always been a big fan of chocolates and I make it a habit to borong chocolates whenever I went back to Malaysia. because most of them aren't available here.Cadbury always come up with new flavours and fillings and this is the recent one i bought in December..Hana, i think u'll like this one because it has vanilla! erm..you did mention you like vanilla right?

berry fruit & vanilla short cake
i didn't like it at first.it tasted weird with all that short cake stuff. but it instantly became mom's favourite.there must be something wrong with me, so i forced myself to eat more and yay! i loved it! see what you can achieve if you force urself to do something? haha. another chocolate that i love love love is this one.

the best organic chocolate ever.well..to me at least.
it is just the smoothest chocolate i've tasted so far. thanks to S for introducing it to me during our trip to Christchurch. i've been looking for this particular one in Malaysia but failed in my attempt.
then, there's this other one that made me and my whole family go crazy over it. the Whittaker's chocolate! comes in blocks as well as slabs.

the first few times i saw the slabs, i kept thinking, "who'd want to buy
that? the packaging is unappealing, it's fat (in size), it's gold and just doesn't look right." then one day when i was busy looking over other options, this guy came and grabbed a few slabs. i remembered saying to myself, "
gila ke this guy
?" = "this guy must be crazy". after that, i went and saw KJ and told her about the chocolate and she said, "eh, KJ love the chocolate.it's packed with loads and loads of nuts." TRUE enough. having heard that, i made the best decision in my life. i bought one and FELL IN LOVE with it. so,
never judge a chocolate by it's cover. be it gold or silver or green. the good news is, there are Whittaker's right here in Malaysia. the bad news is, they're available in LANGKAWI and, they only stock slabs. no blocks. boo.
if any of you happens to find these chocolates somewhere, let me know please?