Friday, October 31, 2008

a little something

if i ignore you, would you still be my bestfriend?
if i stop calling you, would you still be my bestfriend?
if i piss you off, would you still be my bestfriend?

and if i say i love you, would I still be Your bestfriend?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

candy coated candles

Happy Birthday

aiyo..aku dh dikatakan sbg pemalas.hahaha.kau telah memberi aku kesedaran, Naylez.thx.haha =p baiklah, lepas ni aku akan berusaha utk tulis panjang2 sket.

i need a hug.


im bored.
the phone doesn't ring.
the shoes don't fit.stupid Keds.
the assignments suck.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008


patut ke tak patut?
perlu ke?


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


badots in the house, ya'll.

Monday, October 27, 2008

wedding galore

aku sebenanye sedih..sbb tak dapat balik and pegi wedding kawan2.i've been here for like 3mths and i've missed 5 weddings already.there are more to come thats for sure.and i'll eventually miss them as well.sigh.Naylez...jom kite balik.huhu.

he's coming down

Love Lockdown

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fun Friday

ok..not the best looking food ever but it tasted good.hehe.guys..lemme introduce my first cooking ever rite here in melbourne.this is....ayam goreng kunyit! hahahahaha.doesnt look like ayam goreng kunyit (i know i know).i didnt chop the chicken.tak senonoh.but but there's a story behind it.ceritanya fren asked me out lepak2 kat city.then suddenly i remembered that yesterday was my turn to cook.i had only like an hour to, mmg tak sempat la kan nak potong2 ayam tu.apalaga..aku goreng gitu je la.and since kacang panjang takde, aku gune sayur tu.tak tau ape name dia.lupe.haha.kubis bunga kot.jadiii...itu lah productnye.biase je rasa,takde la sedap bujang masak.baiklah, skang ni nak kena fikir resipi lain plak utk next week.any suggestions?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

off kuih tart yg bogel

terima kaseh mila..! walaupun maseh sedap.

aku seronok bila parcel dh tiba.mana tak nye, dapat kuih raya dan juga baju2 yg aku beli hari tu.terharu dapat kuih tart.hehe.feveret ok.dan utk seketika, depresi aku hilang.aku mampu tersenyum eventho hanya utk sementara..terima kaseh lagi skali mifilafa!

dan Amie menjadi teman setia aku.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mr. Onitzuka


aku tak faham.what is so great about Onitzuka Tiger yg org dok sebok2 kan?aku tgk kebanyakkan nyer takde la cantik sgt pon.and these two are the most decent ones i can find.yg len, ape yg menariknye?ada sape2 nak pesan?skang tgh sale.

hmm..mungkin aku akan memiliki sepasang Onitzuka.just for the fun of it.

Friday, October 17, 2008


sorry mar.i curi gamba u.

last week Tun Mahathir dtg ke Melbourne utk bagi talk.dan..haruslah aku tak jap lagi tgk gamba bebudak ni, jeles plak.haha.his family came along.the wife, marina and anak angkat dia tu.hmm..cuba tgk kat gamba Tun tu.tgk poket dia.nampak tak sekor cicak?dia lah Salim, cicak paling bertuah sbb dapat dok dalam poket Tun.hahaha.jeles aku dgn Salim.takpe lah.hari tu hari Salim.esok lusa hari aku plak bergambo dgn Tun.

time to flyyy

haih..minggu ni turn aku beli beras.naseb tadi teringt.kalo idak, tak pasal2 kena marah.beras aku tgk pon dh nak abes.haha.aku berulang ke city 2kali hari ni.lupa nyer pasal.padan muka.anywho, i finally got an idea of what to write about.thnx very much Nathlish.ur my saviour! *smooch*

we're okay now.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

who might know of this

aku dalam kesusahan.
i hope tiada perkara buruk akan berlaku.
tlg doakan aku dan abg aku.

dia dah tahu.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

janji tinggal janji

hari ni usaha aku utk buat sesuatu yg produktif tak berjaya.mengeluh.janji pada diri sendiri pun tak dapat nak tunaikan.mengecewakan.oh ye, hari ni (rabu) aku ada sort of like a meet up with insyaAllah my future boss utk kerja.kat kedai ayam.hmm, restaurant ayam kah?kedai jual ayam kah?aku pun tak tau.haha.tak kesah la.doakan aku ye.i really need a job, cant afford to be choosy.

seorang rakan harus gembira apabila kawannya gembira.

Monday, October 13, 2008


it's incomplete, yes?

terima kaseh kepada yg menyumbang.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

damien fever

thnx to Akhmar and Fiqi, today i had reasons to go out from the house.althou the sun was smiling i still feel gloomy.i cudnt shake yesterday's was painful but what more can i do other than moving hari ni, i put on my new shirt, legging and a wide cheerful fake smile.i went to Akhmar's house in Fawkner and then we decided to go jalan2 at Chapel St.met up with Ika and Nadia for a while and had lunch at Umah Sejuk.haha.lepas tu plak, i took the train to go to Laverton alone.queitly sat besides an arab-ish guy..who had the guts to say 'Hi'.aih..not another one...aku kan tak suka strangers talking to me.kesian dia.dia tanye mcm2, aku jawab sepatah2...aku rasa jodoh aku dgn org rmit jgk lah.that taxi driver hari tu blaja kat rmit jgk.same goes with this one.and both are from spain kot, this one from saudi arabia.haa..baguslah.lepas ni mexican, italian, french..? ape2 pun, ternyata my bright pink shirt tak mampu buat aku ceria hari ni.and the fact that Kak Yan understands, made it even more difficult to swallow.i dont know how long i can keep up with this but aku akan usaha.because i know it'll go away soon, insyaAllah.oh ya, thanx Nathlish for the damiens.

Did I say that I want to Leave it all behind?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

question heart

tiba-tiba hari ni fact, im too losing something that i've never even can that be plak lose something that u've never had.weird.but yeah..and dgn secara tak sengaja juga, aku tiba2 rasa lost.

org tak tau pun lantak la.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

sea of bubbles

aku teringin betol nk jumpa seseorg.

aku rindu.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


kenapa wujudnya pigs kat dunia ni?

a. utk nyusahkan idup aku
b. utk menyenangkan idup omputeh
c. sbb kalo guna kulit dia, brg2 suma jadi cantik
d. sume yg diatas

d. sume yg diatas

ceritanya hari ni..aku pegang pig skin.bodoh nyer Sportsgirl!sume benda nak guna pig.gile ape.sandal yg aku suka tu la ada pig skin.bags pon same.bodooo..cantek sgt ke kulit binatang2 tu.nyusahkan idup gue.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

tulap tulip

aku ponteng klas kerana perkara di atas.haha.adoii..pegi ke tulip festival kat Lilydale.hasil nya ada kat picasa.

Monday, October 6, 2008


dedikasi buat kamu

tag hari raya

ohh..baru je tau aku kena tag dgn heri boberi.maka aku buatlah walopon mungkin agak terlewat dikit.

Sejak bila saya berpuasa penuh?
thn 2006 rasanya..thn tu aku puasa penuh.thn 2007 tak tp thn 2008 ni penuh plak.hahaha.

Pernah ponteng puasa dan apakah alasannya?
duh..mesti la penah.sbb menstruasi.

Pernah bermain bunga api dan mercun
yup yup.selalu je masa kecik2.dh besor2 ni takde la plak.setakat nengok/dgr org len main.

Juadah apakebenda yang hang suka masa berbuka?
masa berbuka? erm..ape2 yg osmets gue masak.lala

Lagu raya mana yang paling suka?
m. nasir - satu hari di hari sebenanye suke je lagu2 raya ni.

Nak beraya kat mana tahun ini?
dah dan sedang raya kat melben thn ni.thn depan nak raya kat new york plak la.auww! haha

Pernah anda bertugas pada hari raya?
erm..pernah je.bertugas sbg pelajar di hari raya.

Kenangan paling manis pada hari raya?
masa raya kat kampung time tok mak, tok bah dgn tok iti ada

sekian.time kaseh.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

sun shiny day

hari ni (ahad) thot of staying home nak buat assignment la kunun.jap lagi osmet ajak ke open house kak ad.kena la pegi sbb dena bilang "kak ad kan dtg umah kite hari tu.kite pegi la umah dia plak".fine fine.maka pegi la we went to Park Royal utk sedap2.then after that, me and dena blah dulu because dena cant wait to go for me, i cant wait to go shopping.hahaha.yes, ever since i got here, i never got the chance to do so due to money this time, rasa cm nak ada baju raya.not thinking about monies i have left, i splurged on sale items.hahhaa.well, im partly fulfilled.i got myself 2 leggings (which i looove), a striking boyfren shirt and a beyotifoool silk shirt.all of them cost me 40$.yay! im loving it.oh, esok ke Lilydale.yay!

cotton on.

raya raya

on saturday, we went beraya-raya.we put our best clothes on (except me.pakai long shirt) and our best shoes (except me again) and off we go beraya.the first house we went to was ustaz razak's house in Preston.yg merupakan husband kepada kak jie.huu..ramai gile kot.then off we go to Thornburry plak.encik fuad's house.then ke Fawkner.umah akhmar, johny, if, ema and rudy.they made the best kuah kacang ever.waa~ nak lagi.lepas tu ada lagi satu umah sebenanye nak kena disebabkan dah malam and jauh gila.aku tak jadi pegi.sorg2 mmg tak la kan.rasa bersalah kat budak Bondura.takpe lah, next time insyaAllah.ok lah, nak pegi lepak depan jap.

everyone is a living pinocchio.


alhamdulillah..our makan-makan on friday was successful.and my cake was a success as well! first time baking the cake alone.yay! eventho the coating wasnt as smooth as my mom's but it was still glad all of them came.seronok.mcm rasa kat kampung.because my house mcm umah kampung.haha.

thn ni tak dapat duit raya.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Not So Raya

My first day of raya can be described as = Boring

here's what happened

kak zura woke me up and succeeded in making me join their early trip to mesia hall.aku ingt nak pegi lambat akhirnya beralah dgn kak zura.ini juga merupakan kali pertama aku solat, aku jahil sket bab solat, kak zura ajar cmne.senang je rupanya.

naik tram then turun depan melb uni where we coincidently met other malays students.then all of us took the next tram to mesia hall.half way tu the tram driver made an announcement over the microphone."to all malaysian passengers, i would like to wish u all selamat hari raya".we replied thank you in unison.haha.seronok.but i have no idea who the driver was.tak tau la omputeh ke omcokelat ke.but who cares.we were excited.

salam abang and muttered selamat hari raya without looking at his face (yes, i have issues with him) solat raya ramai2.peluk cium frens.makan ramai2.

abes makan.lepak2 kat blakang.there were so many of us.and yummy boys of course.haha.posing2 amik gamba then i was bored.lepak dalam hall plak.borak2 dgn frens.

since i was bored i decided to made a move and i went to class.yup2.thou mase mula2 mmg nak ponteng but the boring-ness really got to pegi la klas with my baju kurung.2 singaporean classmates thailand asked about the baju kurung.

class ended.went straight back home.mengantok tahap gaban.balik umah, there was no one home accept me and aku just lepak dalam bilik.then webcam sambil borak dgn my parents and relatives in melaka.takde skype, so guna ym yg lembab tu ha.oh ya, called nathlish yg berada di colorado tu.dah..aku call skali je.lepas ni takde dah.haha

ate dinner with asih.and now, im rite here updating this blog while listening to nkotb feat. ne-yo's 'single' (tengs im hooked). single ladies, you can't go wrong.rite babe?

there goes my first raya.cant wait for our open house on friday.jemput dtg.